Page 48 of Relentless

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“Bet it was fucking painful, huh? Listening to someone you hate take exactly what you want.” Sitting up, I rub my jaw, thinking back. “The way she screamed his name. Fucking beautiful.”

“Shut the fuck up.” He grunts.

“But then I guess she knows all about putting on a show.”

His warning growl rips through the air, bouncing off the bare walls of his cell. But he can do it all he likes; he can fucking come at me if he wants. He’s not going to win here.

He is never going to win against me.

“You really had no idea that she was Victor’s little whore, did you? How fucking pussy-whipped are you, man?”

His jaw pops with irritation as he glares at me.

“Oh, but you’re not, are you? Because what my boy did last night with your wife isn’t something you have any experience of. While she’s been spreading her legs for Hawks all over town, you’ve never once gotten between them. Have you ever felt like more of a pussy than knowing everyone else is servicing your wife?”

He’s on his feet before his angry roar hits my ears, but seeing as he’s been down here with limited food and water, his actions are sluggish and I’m ready for him long before he launches himself at me.

Slamming my palms down on his chest, I shove him backward. He stumbles over his own feet and collides with the wall.

I have my forearm against his throat just like I did JD not so long ago, only I use a hell of a lot more force with this cunt than I did my best friend.

His face brightens again as I cut off his air.

“Watch yourself, Murray. If it were my choice, you’d have died the night I fired my gun.”

“Then why the fuck aren’t I?” he wheezes. “Going soft in your old age, Harris?”

My eyes narrow at his taunt.

“Fuck knows what your wife sees in you,” I sneer, looking him up and down. “Nothing but an ass-licking fucking pussy, if you ask me.”

“Good thing no one fucking asked you then, isn’t it?”

We stare at each other. The only sounds that can be heard are our heaving breaths.

“You don’t know anything about me,” he seethes. “You judged me as a kid and you’ve never bothered to look close enough to see that it’s nothing but lies you tell yourself to stoke your ego.”

“Bullshit. I remember watching you running around after my dad like, kissing his ass, hoping to be his favorite little pet. You’re so fucking desperate for my position, it’s pathetic.”

“Is that really what you think? That I want to be you?” Amusement fills his eyes and his lips curl. I’m pretty sure if he could, he’d be laughing at me right now.

“Fuck you, Murray. You couldn’t be me. Not in a million fucking years. Our fathers know it too. You’re nothing but a weak little bitch who allows a woman to control his life. A woman who’s running around town getting her rocks off while you’re more than likely at home doing her fucking job. It’s a fucking joke that they ever let you initiate.”

Most of it is lies. Despite my words, Mav has proved himself as a loyal, doting soldier more than a few times. Something which pisses me off more than I want to admit.

He’s been trained almost as well as I have.

While we might have spent our lives battling for supremacy, our fathers aren’t any less competitive. They just so happen to be friends as well.

Something I doubt the two of us will ever be.

“It’s funny. Everyone out there.” He jerks his chin to reference people outside this cell. “They think you’re this terrifying, dark, depraved, confident soldier. But really, you’re a scared little boy. You’re scared that Daddy is going to rip all of this away from you. You’re terrified that me, or any of the others, might be better than you. And the only way to stop anyone from figuring all of that out is to ensure they’re all petrified of you.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I snarl.

“Why? Did I touch a sore spot?”

Pulling my free hand back, I plow my fist into his stomach.
