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A bar stretches down one long wall, and two female bartenders in sleeveless shirts pull shots and clean highball glasses as they chat up patrons on stools. There are booths lining the opposite wall, with high-top tables and chairs scattered throughout the rest of the space.

“Do you see anyone we know?” I call back to Frederick, who is close on my heels (my Louboutins, to be exact—I’ve been dying for an excuse to wear them).

He steps closer and momentarily leans in, placing one hand on my lower back in a way that makes me shiver while pointing with the other. “There, in the back corner.”

Of course hewouldspot everyone before I do. He probably already knows where all of the exits are and how he would get me to each one should the need arise (which it won’t). I squint in the direction he’s pointing as my eyes adjust to the dark and take in the sight of Lucy, Marilee, two more women, Jordan, and one other guy in a cowboy hat.


Frederick purses his lips for a moment. “Are you sure about this, Chloe?”

“Of course I’m sure.”

He just stares at me, and I sigh. “Nobody is going to recognize me. Look how many people are here. I’ll be fine. Safety in numbers, right?”

“Total misnomer. But fine.” Then he holds out his hand. The fact that he’s the one to initiate our pretense this time around … well, he’s holding up on his promise to try, and I can’t really ask more of him than that. Especially after I thought I’d scared him away when I asked for his help with my zip a few hours ago.

I loop my fingers through his and we walk toward the booth, weaving through the crowd and around the booth where people are in line to sign up for karaoke, which is supposed to begin soon. Despite already having a beer in one hand, a tall man is heading toward the bar, bobbing to the beat when he bumps into me. “Whoa, sorry!” His drink flies all over the floor—thankfully not on me—but instead of jumping away, he just kind of slumps, using me to hold him up.

He towers over me, as tall as Frederick though with a wider girth, but in an instant, Frederick is hauling the guy away from me like he weighs nothing. “Get off of her.” His voice is low and menacing, and to the untrained eye, his body appears relaxed as he faces the guy and pats his shoulders. But I’ve seen him relaxed before, and right now, his body is poised to strike if need be. He’s like a big, graceful cat who may decide to chase that gazelle—if he deems it’s worth it.

It’s extremely sexy, if I’m being quite honest.

“Touch her again, and we’re going to have a problem, mate.”

Thankfully, the big lug just blinks at Frederick before grinning, throwing an arm around his shoulder, lifting his mostly empty beer in the air, and screaming at the top of his lungs, “No problem here,mate.” He slurs the last word, then saunters off toward the bar.

“Idiot,” Frederick mutters so softly that I only know he said it from watching his lips. “Sorry about that,” he says to me. “You all right?” Shaking out his hands, he then loops one arm around my waist, holding me firmly against his side.

All right? I might faint right here on the dance floor. Either that or float away. Not only because my side is about to spontaneously combust at any moment, but because standing like this is a declaration to the world—STAY AWAY. This woman’s mine.

If only it was real. Still, I’ll take any contact he’ll give me. I’m like a junkie, and my drug of choice is Frederick Shaw.

“I’m fine, Muscles.” Understatement of the year. “You know, you’re handy to have around in a place like this.”

“I mean it, Chloe.” Though I didn’t know there was still any sort of space between us, he pulls me closer. “We can turn around and leave right now.”

“I trust you to keep me safe.”

Frederick frowns, then nods, and we walk toward our new friends in the large round booth that’s a step up from the ground, where Lucy waves and smiles as well as any royal. She climbs over Marilee and Jordan and gracefully lands on the floor before throwing her arms around me. “You’re here! I’m so glad.” Pulling back, she does a once-over of my outfit—a green pleated A-line dress in chiffon—which is probably too dressy given the fact she’s in cowboy boots, jeans, and a plain long-sleeved shirt. “And you look amazing. Girls, doesn’t she look great?”

She’s completely interrupted the other members of the booth, but nobody seems to mind as they toss us friendly waves and lift their drinks in greeting. “Gang, this is Chloe and Frederick. You guys already know Mar and Jordan.” She points to the new guy and two brunettes who look like twins across from Jordan. “And this is Kelsey and Elisse Loveland—their family owns the winery. Oh, and Elisse is the one who gave me the keys for the wedding shop, remember? And this is Landon Bennett. His family’s land is next to the winery, and he works there with the Loveland boys. Poor Kelsey and Elisse have six brothers—can you believe that?”

Frederick, who let go of my waist when Lucy hugged me, grabs my hand and squeezes. Is he as amused at Lucy’s gift of gab as I am?

“Nice to meet you, everyone.” I smile. “Mind if we join?”

“Absolutely not.” Jordan squashes up against Mar and Frederick and I pile in next to him, while Lucy remains standing. “And help yourself to some food. We always get a bunch and then split the tab.”

The table is littered with greasy-looking appetizers of all kinds—egg rolls and sliders, wings and nachos. “Brilliant, thank you,” I reply. “Is it always this busy here?”

“Not even close,” Landon says as he takes a swig of his beer. He tilts up the brim of his cowboy hat. “Festival and spring break have this whole town crawling with crazies.”

“What kind of crazies?” Frederick pipes up.

“Oh, just your usual hot heads and brainless beach bimbos,” Elisse (I think?) says.

Landon smiles around his sip of beer before setting down the bottle. “I was more thinking about the old rich folks who yell at you if you park in what they think should’ve been their parking spot.”
