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But it wasn’t until I looked in his eyes, until he told me“You make the world a better place just by being you”that my heart melted too. He said it like he believed it, with conviction—but it was different than the way he encouraged me after that night in the garden. That was all brotherly affection, firm encouragement coming from someone who knew me.

But this … it was imbued with something else.

And I need to figure out what that something else is.

Because maybe he’s right. Maybe Idoneed to go after something I want. It might be taking things too far to ask my father to allow me to live a non-royal life right here in Hallmark Beach. But would it really be so off base to ask him to put aside whatever he feels or thinks about Frederick’s father and allow us to be together,ifthat’s what we both want?

I’ve held off on telling him how I feel all these years because I didn’t think he’d ever want me or the life that came with me—and maybe he doesn’t. But I now know he doesn’t want to be a bodyguard, not really. I still don’t fully understand why Frederick stays, but if I can only get him to admit that he has true feelings for me, then we could actually figure this thing out.


The thought is equally thrilling and terrifying.

“You all right?” Frederick’s voice bursts into my thoughts and his hand finds mine from his spot beside me. We’re crammed into the back seat of the vehicle, with Ryder in his booster in the middle row so Jordan’s golden retriever Chase can lie down under his feet. The little boy chatters on and on to Marilee and Jordan up front. Marilee’s turned halfway so she can look at Ryder and reply to his questions with patience and a smile.

I stare at Freddy’s hand set over my own, at the strength in each of those fingers. Enough to snap a man from “limb to limb” as he threatened last night—I warm at the memory—but also to take my burdens and make them lighter with a sweet stroke. “I’m fine.”

“You sure you want to do this hike?” He squints out the window as the Jeep turns off the highway, following the signage for the trail. “The weather’s looking rather ominous.”

Is it? Yes, the sky is a bit dark on the horizon, but the clouds seem far enough away. I shrug. “I’m not afraid of a little rain. Are you?”

He presses his lips together. “Just want you to be safe, Princess.”

I roll my eyes. “Jordan said it’s a fairly simple hike. And he wouldn’t take his son out if it was dangerous. Besides, you know this is what he does for a living, right?” I tease. Besides teaching surfing lessons during the main tourist season, our new friend leads adventure tours of all kinds with the company he founded when he came back to Hallmark Beach after college.

“I know.” Frederick’s brows stay knit together, but I don’t have a chance to ask what’s bothering him because the Jeep comes to a stop in the trailhead car park.

We pile out and grab our backpacks filled with water and snacks. Jordan clips a leash on Chase and turns to us. “Ready?”

When we nod, we set off as a group toward the start of the trail, which begins as a flat boardwalk over some seasonal wetlands. The tall grass sways and bends, and Ryder runs ahead, his fingers swooping against the reeds as he laughs. Jordan and Chase hustle to keep up with him.

Marilee loops an arm through mine. “So glad you guys could take a break from the wedding planning and join us.”

“Thanks for the invite,” I say as we set a leisurely pace, Frederick somewhere behind us. “It’s nice to get away from town for a bit. And we couldn’t do much planning today anyway. Everything’s closed up for the festival, plus the fact it’s Sunday. I’m surprised you could get away, though. Seems you’ve been pretty busy lately.”

“Marla got back into town yesterday, so my workload is now cut in half.”

“More time for you to invest in making cakes, then, eh?”

“Oh, no, not really.” She waves away the suggestion. “But I’ve got a little more time to help Jordan watch Ryder. His mom’s got MS, so some days it’s hard for her to keep up with her grandson.”

“That’s a shame.”

“She does all right, but her flare-ups can get pretty bad.”

Maybe now’s the perfect time to gauge the situation between Jordan and Marilee. I know they’ve said they’re just friends, but I sense more there, at least on his end. Then again, I still don’t know anything about Ryder’s mom. “So you help out. Is Ryder’s mom not in the picture?”

Our steps echo on the walkway, which turns and bends past a gorgeous view of the ocean and beach. It’s a secluded spot, protected by rocks on either side of an inlet. On the way over, Jordan said this is one of his favorite hikes, because it’s got a little of everything—beginning with the beach but straying through the forest and ending in the hills.

Jordan lets the dog off the leash, and Chase bounds into the water, startling some geese and seagulls. Ryder claps his hand and giggles hysterically.

We stop and Frederick joins us as we watch from afar.

Marilee sighs. “Georgia actually died a month ago. Cancer. It happened quickly, and … it’s been hard.”

“Oh, wow. Jordan and Ryder must be devastated.” If Frederick died, I wouldn’t be able to function, but I haven’t sensed that level of depression in Jordan.

Frederick crosses his arms over his chest, taking in this information along with me.
