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“He’s completely oblivious about these things.”

“Please, don’t tell him. We aren’t …” I look away. “We aren’t together.”

“Oh.” She touches my shoulder. “I’m sorry. I thought for sure this time alone would give you the clarity you both needed.”

“It did.” I peek at her. “Just not in the way I expected.”

“Aw, sis.” She starts to pull me in, but I hold up a hand and shake my head.

“Nope, you cannot do that, or I’ll cry and then you’ll cry and all of my hard work on your brilliant makeup will be down the toilet.”

Her eyes crinkle around the edges. “I hope you guys can work things out.”

“I tried. But he seems to think that if he’s not a bodyguard in Kentonia, then he’ll be letting everybody down.” Ugh, there I go, saying too much. But Lauren is just far too easy to talk to.

“Who would he be letting down?” Lauren’s nose wrinkles. “Surely not Topher.”

“Topher, Frederick’s parents. The country at large.”

“Hmm.” A pause. “And why couldn’t he still be a bodyguard? I know there’s that law, but you know Topher would abolish that in a heartbeat.”

I shouldn’t be having this conversation now. Still, if I know Lauren, she won’t be able to focus on her day if she’s worried about mine. But am I really ready to say it out loud? “I’m considering moving here. To Hallmark Beach.”


“Really. I got an offer, one that would be hard to refuse.”

“Have you talked with your parents or Topher about this?”

“Not yet.”

She pats my shoulder. “Good. Don’t. Make your decision first, then stand firm. You know your dad and brother are really just giant softies when it comes to you. And your mom … I mean, she’ll completely understand. They just want you to be doing what you love.”

A breath whooshes out. All this time, I’ve fretted over whether my family will feel rejected or upset over my decision. But perhaps Lauren is right. “Even if it means I don’t come home and marry some foreign dignitary or prince?”

She laughs. “It’s true. Youwerethe final hope for someone in the family to marry well.”

“Stop it!” I poke her side. “Topher’s made a brilliant choice, and now it’s time to finally get you married off.”

“First, just know … I’m rooting for you and Freddy to work it out.”

“Thanks. But that’s up to him.”

“Then I’ll be praying he wises up before it’s too late.” Lauren bounces on her tiptoes, showing off the pink canvas Keds she’s got on underneath her gown. Another Lauren-ism that makes me smile. “Now, is it time?”

“If you’re ready.”

“So ready.”

“All right, then.” I wave my hands at Elisse, and she flashes me the thumbs-up. Then she signals the string musicians, and they begin to play.

Lauren’s head rears back. “Is that …?”

“God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You?” I smile. “Yep.”

She squeals. “You are literally the best at this.”

And she’s right. I am. This right here, it’s what I’m meant to do. Make brides happy. Let love win. And it strikes me then … Frederick is right too, at least in part. If I gave up this opportunity to run the wedding shop in Hallmark Beach, I might always regret it. I might even come to resent him, or at least always wonder what life would have been if I’d followed my heart.
