Page 42 of Merciless Desires

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“Just thinking.”

When he turned to face me, I took in his tall, lean, muscular form covered in various symbols. I couldn’t help my gawking as my gaze traveled down to his unbuttoned jeans. A patch of black hair peeked out from above his zipper.

“About what?” I swallowed hard, trying not to let my dry throat trigger a cough.

“Last night.”

“That was crazy.”

“It shouldn’t have happened,” he said. “Romero and I are at peace with the other families. Business is going smoothly. It was so random.”

“Was it?” I stepped toward him, embracing the tingling between my legs. “I overheard Rocco’s theory last night.”

“I knew you were awake.” He took my chin in his firm grip. “What am I going to do with you?”

“I have a few ideas.” I traced my hands along his chest. “Do you want to hear them?”

“I don’t feel much like talking.” He lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his hips. “I have a few of my own ideas.”

“Show me.”

When he bit the corner of his bottom lip, my ovaries may have exploded. My nipples hardened as his lips grazed mine. He squeezed my backside in his strong grasp as he walked me over to the bed. I shifted my pelvis into the rough material of his jeans. When his erection rubbed against me, I squeaked.

He plopped me onto the bed and then took my face between his hands.

“I can’t stop thinking about what happened last night.” He roughly kissed my lips. “It could have ended in disaster.”

“But it didn’t.” I got up on my knees. “We’re okay, and we’re together.”

“I want to be with you.” His mouth said the words but the conflict in his eyes left me unsettled.

“Then be with me.” I removed his hands from my face and placed them on my breasts. “Do whatever you want with me, Gio. I’m yours.”

“But you’re not.” He kissed me again, and this time his mouth was rough and unforgiving. His stubble scratched my jaw while he fondled my breasts.

“You have to stop struggling.” I ran my fingers down his chest. “We both want this.”

“Just because we want it, doesn’t mean I should take it.”

“What does that mean?” I pushed against his chest. “I’m tired of all these cryptic conversations.”

“What are you talking about?” He sat down next to me. “What conversations?”

“What does it matter?” Why was he killing the mood? “You said you didn’t want to talk.”

“I changed my mind.” He turned my face and stared into my eyes. “You were on the phone with your father. What did he say?”

“A lot of nothing. Just like you.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m tired of the men in my life acting as if they know what’s best for me. Let me make my own decisions. When will you be straight with me?”

“What did your father say that upset you?”

“It’s more like what he didn’t say.” I thought for a moment. “And your behavior is in sync with his. Every time we get close to being together, you back off and say it isn’t the right time or I’m not yours to take. I told you my mind’s made up, so if you have my consent, you must be under the impression that it’s my father’s permission you need.”

“Cin, we’re not having this conversation.” He got up and paced the bedroom. “I’m sorry I keep confusing you. I want nothing more than to be with you.”

“So you say.” I raised my hands in the air. “Your body says one thing, but then you turn it around. My father said that I could do something to help my family. That I was a valuable asset. Do you know what he meant?”

Gio’s jaw tightened as he shook his head.
