Page 82 of Merciless Desires

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Afterward, I lie drained, my skin slick with sweat as Viktor lounges beside me, casually stroking my hair. I avoid his gaze, eyes squeezed shut.

"Look at me, golubushka."

The quiet authority in his tone compels obedience. Reluctantly I open my eyes. His clever fingers tilt my chin up until our gazes lock.

"That was only the beginning," he says softly. "You will learn to find pleasure in whatever I wish to do to you. Your body already understands this, even if your mind resists."

I clench my jaw, refusing to respond, but I can't deny the lingering hum his touch ignites. Much as I wish otherwise, he’s awakened something dark and ravenous within me, a side of myself I never knew existed, and I wish it didn’t.



One of my soldiers, Dmitri, is waiting when I arrive at the warehouse we use as headquarters. His broad, tattooed face is grim.

"It's getting worse, Viktor," he growls.

My reply is to grunt.

It looks as though our peace with the Chaldean mob has come to an end. Their new leader, Adnan Badawi, is out to make a name for himself by taking aggressive moves in our territory. A shipment was stolen from us a week ago and last night Purgatory, one of our clubs, was burned to the fucking ground.

It's blatant provocation from the young godfather, a challenge to our control here. I curse under my breath. Besides his audacity, the club earned good money for us. It can’t go unpunished. We have to retaliate and strike fast.

Dmitri spits on the floor. "I bet the boss is pissed.”

Understatement. Our pakhan is gonna want blood from this Chaldean prick. Rightfully so.

"He upstairs?" I ask tersely.

"Ayup. Expecting you." Dmitri gives me a grim nod before stalking off.

I mount the metal stairs, bracing myself. Boris has led our brotherhood for fifteen years. He is as ruthless as he is cunning. Crossing him is unwise.

I hope he doesn’t bring up Natalia, but I know better. The pakhan is shrewd.

At the top of the stairs, I push through the door into Boris's sprawling office. Floor-to-ceiling windows overlook the warehouse below on one side of the office and the lively city on the other. Boris stands with his back to me, hands folded behind him.

I cross my arms, saying nothing. He knows I’m here, so I merely await orders.

After a full three minutes of silence, Boris turns, scowling. He is shorter than me by several inches, stocky and balding with a paunch that hangs over his belt, but his presence looms larger than his physical form. His bottomless eyes hold volcanic heat.

"Viktor. I have a job for you." His smile doesn’t reach his cold grey eyes.

I incline my head slightly. "Of course, boss."

His smile vanishes. "That Chaldean fuck has overstepped for the last time. Last week, one of our storehouses by the docks was hit. Lost thousands in product, and two of our men. And now Purgatory?"

My jaw tightens, but I keep my tone neutral. "Retaliation is in order, I take it?"

"Swift and fucking severe." Boris slams his fist down on his desk. "I want you to take charge of our response personally. And make it hurt."

"It will be done."

I already have an idea of where to strike first. Badawi is fond of the underground casinos where he conducts his backroom business. Torching one or two should send a message about fucking with the brotherhood.

"Good." Boris turns back to the window overlooking downtown Chicago. Hands clasped behind his back, he is silent for a moment before continuing. "And the other matter. Have you carried out your orders regarding the witness?"

He means Natalia. Everything in me goes still. Somehow I keep my voice steady. "Not yet. But soon."
