Page 3 of Canadian Spring

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I can’t let him get to me.

“Miss? Your order is ready,” the barista said behind her.

Skylar huffed before turning back around, giving the poor woman behind the counter a smile. “Thank you so much. I’m so sorry for this miserable lug behind me. I hope you have a great day.” She grabbed her bag of coffee beans and treats, along with her iced coffee and turned towards the door. She stopped behind the grump and turned.

“Try to be nice to her. It’s not her fault you are the way you are.” Lowering her sunglasses back down, she said over her shoulder. “Oh, and make sure you leave her a tip!”

Skylar smiled to herself as she left the impatient man to curse under his breath. She strode back out into the gorgeous spring day. Placing her bag on her passenger seat and drink in the cup holder, she took one last look at the coffee shop, vowing not to let the rude grumpy bear ruin the rest of her trip.

Skylar couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face as she drove down the driveway towards Homestead Farms. She’d felt so at home when she’d visited before to make wedding plans. She loved how remote it was, and the wide-open spaces ran as far as the eye could see. The delicious cider and cute barn and tasting room were also added bonuses.

Reaching the end of the driveway, she rushed to park the car and jumped out at the sight of Kade waiting for her on the gorgeous porch of the old farmhouse. The picturesque view of the country home with a backdrop of apple trees and mountains left a pang in her heart. A longing that she didn’t know how to fill, especially now that her future was so uncertain.

“Skylar! It’s so good to see you!” Kade yelled as she rushed down the steps and embraced her friend.

“I’m so happy to be back!” Skylar wrapped her arms around her friend.

Stepping back with a smile, Skylar grabbed her laptop bag out of the car and followed her friend into the house. She couldn’t help but stop and close her eyes as soon as she entered, breathing in the comfort of fresh-baked bread and apples.

“Did you just make bread?” Skylar asked, opening her eyes to find her friend walking towards the kitchen.

“I did.”

“Look at you, being all country domestic,” Skylar joked as she trailed behind her friend through the living room and into a modern kitchen. Her gaze fixated on the gorgeous stone fireplace as they passed. The view from the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the orchard and mountain range was jaw dropping. The sights in Vancouver were incredible, but they were nothing like that.

“What can I say? Logan Creek makes you want to lead a simpler life.” Kade shrugged as she pulled down glasses from the cupboard and started pouring lemonade from a pitcher.

“You look happy.” The soft smile on Skylar’s face was genuine. Skylar meant it. Kade was radiant in her rustic setting, filling Skylar’s heart with joy for her friend. Even though they had lost touch for a while after graduating, she was always fond of Kade and Lila. She hoped she could find the same joy and peace her friends had found one day.

“I am happy, and you’re helping me with that by being my wedding planner.” Kade gave her a genuine smile as she looked up from the pitcher in her hand.

“I’m thrilled to help! Speaking of, where’s that broody farmer of yours? Doesn’t he want to be here to pick out last-minute details?”

Kade laughed as she passed Skylar a glass. “Wedding planning is not Brody’s thing. He had to run into town for some supplies for the orchard, anyway.”

“Speaking of broody men, I had the most infuriating encounter with someone at the coffee shop in Hope. Oh, that reminds me!” Skylar reached down and grabbed the to-go bag from the cafe and handed it to Kade. “Here you go. This grumpy bear was so impatient that I dared to order coffee that needed to be ground while he was in line.”

“Well, thank you, I really appreciate it. Even if you had to encounter wildlife to get it.” Kade joked.

“Seriously, who is in so much of a rush that they can’t wait two minutes for coffee to be ground? Is everyone like that outside of the city? Is it a requirement to be a grump in a small town?” Skylar crossed her arms over her chest as she puffed out a breath.

“No, definitely not. Travis and Zach balance out the ones around here. You’ll meet them tonight at the bar.” Kade laughed as she took a sip of her drink.

“Yeah, about that. What’s happening?” Skylar dropped her arms and relaxed into a stool at the island.

“We are getting together before heading to Vegas for the bachelor/bachelorette parties. Zach and Mandy can’t make it, so they want to see us before we head off.”

“Why aren’t they coming? I thought you all were like a package deal.”

“Usually,” Kade chuckled. “Mandy’s pregnant and having a rough time with morning sickness, and Zach can’t leave the brewery right now. His business partner, Mitch, is off doing some beer festival in Kamloops.”

“I see. I’m excited to finally meet everyone.” Skylar bounced in her seat as she spoke.

“They’re excited to meet you, too. I think you’ll like Dyllan, too. He’s going through some stuff right now, but he’s a good guy.” Kade gave a sad smile as she looked out the windows. Skylar didn’t know what was going on with their friend, but whatever it was seemed to weigh heavily on Kade.

“Please don’t get any ideas.” Skylar raised an eyebrow at her friend as she took a sip of lemonade.

“No ideas.” Kade put her hands up in front of her in surrender. “I’m just saying he’s single; you’re single. We’re all going to be together a lot. It would be nice to get to know each other.”
