Page 24 of Canadian Harvest

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Even though I’m not cold, I hold his jacket to me, wrapping myself in his woodsy scent. I try to act like I’m burrowing into his jacket when, really, I’m taking in the smell that will now be forever associated with Mitch. It reminds me of the forest and mint gum.

We eat our way through the buffet of appetizers, talking about everything from our families to what it was like growing up. I learn he has two younger sisters that are still in Vancouver, who keep him up to date on everything, including their latest romance reads, in a group chat. His dad is an accountant, and his mom has always been a stay-at-home mom. He boasts about them, showing me just how much he loves them. I find that makes him so much more endearing.

I tell him about how I’m an only child and how amazing it would have been to grow up with sisters. He playfully debates that I’m the lucky one, but I can tell how much love he has for them.

We clean up the containers and I settle in, leaning back on my outstretched arms behind me. “That was amazing, Mitch. Thank you.”

“It’s not over yet.” He reaches beside him, pulling out another container.

“More food?” I chuckle, sitting up. While I’m absolutely stuffed, I’m curious about what else he has.

“Did you think I was going to do all of this and not bring dessert?” He jokingly acts shocked, placing his free hand on his chest. “Babe, Ialwaysbring dessert.”

And I don’t think he just means food.

He opens the container to two slices of swirled cheesecake.

“Oh my gosh, that looks amazing. What kind is that?”

“Two layer pumpkin spice cheesecake. Lila’s started making her fall desserts.” He lowers her voice and leans into me. “Can I tell you a secret?”

“Always.” I’m lost in his eyes. I don’t know what he’s about to tell me, but I’m hanging on to his every word.

“I sneak a slice of whatever she’s making every day. It means I spend extra time in the gym, but it’s so worth it.”

I let out a giggle—an honest to God schoolgirl giggle—as he smiles at me.

“I don’t blame you. If I worked there, I’m sure I’d be sneaking more than one.”

He hands me a fresh fork, holding the container between us. I dig in and immediately the rich flavour or pumpkin, cinnamon, and nutmeg fills me. “Lila really outdid herself here.”

“I know; this is one of my favourites that she’s made so far. It’s closely tied with her snickerdoodle blondie.”

“Oh, wow. That sounds so amazing.”

“I’ll bring you one the next time she makes it. Hell, I’ll even put the request in because you need to try it.”

“I’d like that.” I smile, taking another forkful of cake.

My heart skips a beat, knowing he’s thinking of seeing me past tonight. I don’t know why I’m so hesitant to think we won’t have a second date. He’s been nothing but kind and attentive. A perfect gentleman.

But part of me wants that other side of him. The side that acts like the alpha heroes in my books. The side he showed me when my van broke down.

“What are you thinking right now?” His voice is husky and low, a combination that makes my core clench. It reminds me of the voice he used last night. The one that made me wantthingswith him. Things that I don’t know if I have the right to want.

“I’m thinking of when you rescued me in my van.”

“What about it?” he asks, putting the dessert container behind him without breaking eye contact.

“I, uh…I was thinking about how you almost kissed me.” Holy shit, did I just admit that?

A smirk crosses his handsome face. “That’s true. I almost kissed you. Many times that night, actually.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“It wasn’t right. I wasn’t going to have our first kiss in a parking lot. You deserve better than that.”

“I do?” My brain is on autopilot. I can’t think when he’s looking at me like that with his gorgeous hazel eyes focused only on me.
