Page 3 of Canadian Fling

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“I’d take you in a heartbeat—if I thought we could fake it well enough.” Less than a heartbeat, if I’m being honest. I’ve lusted after this man from my first day on the job, despite his disapproving glare and monosyllabic answers. Or maybe, because of them.

Suddenly, I remember his calendar. “Don’t you have an event on Saturday night? Some black tie auction for the ballet?”

The thought of Miles in a tux sends a tingle down my spine.

“Send my regrets.”

What? Now, he’s really talking nonsense.He crosses his arms and assumes that surly look he does so well. Good thing it’s never stopped me from plowing ahead and doesn’t now. “Look, I’m not sure how much you overheard while you were eavesdropping, but I need to bring home a man who can help out around the orchard. And although I don’t know exactly how much you can bench press, I know it’s a lot. So you’ve got that working in your favor, but—”

“Trish, would you excuse us?” he asks, without glancing her way.

“Of course, Mr. Beaufort,” she says, yanking the last of the jammed pages from the copy machine and shooting me awhat the helllook behind his back as she grabs her binding project and scurries out.

Miles |Tuesday

IfIcanfakeit well enough?

Lauryn has no idea how good of an actor I am. Hell, I should have a shelf full of Oscars for my performance every day for the past two years while I’ve held myself in check. I’ve pretended to barely tolerate her impertinence, when really, her quick wit, sharp retorts, and insightful observations get me through the day.

With the way she takes nothing at face value and always looks for the loophole, she should be an attorney. My assistant is uninhibited and authentic, while I’m swallowing everything I really want to say to her and curling my hands into fists to keep from reaching out to touch her.

Not that I’d ever really have a chance with a woman as carefree as Lauryn. She’s not the type to fall in love with a man like me. A broken workaholic on track to be the youngest partner in the history of his father’s firm—no thanks to him.

But in moments like this, when she’s being difficult and questioning my every word, I can’t help but love it. Lauryn is the only person on earth who pulls no punches and has no trouble sparring right back with me and not capitulating at my first request. She doesn’t care who my father is. She doesn’t give a shit that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. And she most definitely doesn’t jump at my bidding, even though I’m her boss.

I’d heave a sigh and run a hand through my hair at the direction this conversation has gone, but from the cradle, I was bred never to give the slightest inclination I’m rattled. Instead, I try for reason.

“Look,” I say, meeting her gorgeous emerald eyes. “You need a boyfriend for the weekend, and I’m willing to play the part. As you said, I’m more than capable of helping around the orchard, and now that you’ve warned me about your family, I’ll be prepared.”

Lauryn snorts and doesn’t even try to hide an exaggerated eye roll, a move I’d never tolerate from anyone else, but from her always makes my day. Except today. This copy room has suddenly turned into a courtroom, and I’m in the middle of an argument I’m not winning. Yet.

“Miles,” she says, blowing me off as she tosses the crumpled papers in the trash bin and closes up the machine as if she’s the judge and closing the case. “I appreciate the offer, really I do, but to be convincing you’d have to do boyfriend type things and—”

“Like opening doors and holding your hand?”Not a problem, I assure you.

“Yes,” she confirms then spins to face me with a challenge sparkling in her eyes. “And,” she whispers, stepping close enough her dress brushes against my slacks and the smell of roses in a summer garden fills the air. “You’d have to kiss me like you mean it. Not some chaste peck on the cheek you’d give your grandma, but a kiss with your whole body.”

As if I haven’t dreamed of doing just that every single day since the morning she breezed in and saved me. I shouldn’t, but I erase the distance between us, save for a razor-thin gap. The heat of her skin seeps through my cotton Oxford shirt, and her breath hitches, but I’m so highly attuned to her I can tell she’s surprised, not repulsed.

I brush my fingers against hers ever so slightly at our sides. She freezes but doesn’t pull away. Our fingers have grazed before when she’s passed me a paper or handed over a folder, but this touch between those same fingers is electric. Adrenaline courses through me, but I don’t let it show, not when the prospect of spending the weekend with Lauryn away from the office, out in the fresh country air, is in my sights.

I lower my voice. We’re talking about kissing, after all. Kissing like you mean it. My cock twitches at the thought. “And you think I couldn’t do that?”

Lauryn’s gaze drops to my mouth, and her tongue darts out to wet her full lips. I’m getting my point across and can rest my case. The jury is going to find in my favor.

Voices from down the hallway filter in. She steps back and lifts her chin. “You’ve told me you never lie.”

“I still don’t. And I won’t need to this weekend. As I said, I can be very convincing.”

She swallows hard, and the little V between her brows confirms my suspicion. Lauryn’s out of excuses. I’ve overruled her last objection. Case closed.

“So you’re up for the challenge, then? You. Me. My crazy family and a harvest festival?”

“I am.”

“Once we cross out of the city, all bets are off. I’m no longer your PA, and you’re not my boss. We’re just Lauryn and Miles. Boyfriend and girlfriend for forty-eight hours.”

Not long enough. But I’ll take it. This weekend is all I’ll ever get. “Deal.”
