Page 138 of Trust Me

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“Yes, that’s important to discuss when it comes to the success of this merger,” I tell them. “I just had a meeting with members of the marketing, accounting, and R&D teams to gauge how our strategies are going.”

Sam Waterson picks up the discussion and begins talking about what he’s heard from the sales team. I don’t give half of a fuck about what he’s talking about because my wife has just pulled my semi-hard cock out of my pants.

For the first time, I’m grateful as hell that I chose not to go with a glass desk for my office.

I inhale sharply, which none one of the men notice, as they’re busy discussing some inane detail the sales team mentioned. When Riley covers the tip of my cock with her mouth, I squeeze the pencil in my right hand to the point that it snaps in half.

She rolls her tongue around the tip of my dick, and I have to cover my groan with a cough.

“Are you all right?” Sam inquires. “Do you need some water?”

He’s genuinely concerned.

He should be.

I’m fighting for my fucking life not to kick him, Adam, and his assistant the hell out of my office and then proceed to leave red marks all over Riley’s ass for this stunt.

“What?” I ask.

I see the confusion on their faces, but Riley decides at that moment to take me all the way to the back of her throat. She’s working me over with that pretty mouth of hers and the last thing on my mind is work.

“The stock price has seen a positive impact since the merger,” Adam says.

Who gives a fuck about stock prices right now?

“… we hope the rumor of Townsend Industries going private is just that …” I hear him continue saying from somewhere in the room.

I blink to refocus my gaze on him, to notice he’s now standing, staring out of the window.

“Private?” I question to make it seem like I haven’t completely spaced out of the conversation.

When I press my back into my chair and widen my legs, Riley takes that as an opportunity to lick the entire underside of my dick. I drop one of my hands to the top of her head, gripping her hair in a tight fist.

She always complains when I do this, saying I mess up her hair. But she loves the shit as much as I do. Sam and Adam continue to talk about whatever the hell they’re discussing. I use my hand to slowly guide my wife’s head up and down my length.

She feels so good. Too good.

I should stop and put my attention on my damn job.

But she has a hold over me. And it’s more than just the fact that my dick is inside of her mouth right now. Even before this impromptu blowjob I couldn’t focus on work because the only thing in the room I saw was her.

That reminds me of that cocksucker, Barry, and the way he whispered in her ear. He likes her. I can see it.

“Fuck,” I growl out when that skilled tongue of hers does another maneuver around the tip of my dick. Thoughts of any and everyone else leave my mind.

“Is privatization on the table?” Sam Waterson asks.

What the hell are they talking about?

Oh yeah, Townsend Industries.

“That could have a major impact on my employees,” he says.

“My—” I cut off and pound my fist on the desk because she’s deep throating me again and I’m about ten seconds away from exploding in her damn mouth.

“What Kyle is trying to say,” Adam starts.

Normally, I can’t stand someone trying to explain what I’m saying to anyone else. As if I don’t know how to fucking express myself. At this moment, however, I’ll allow it. I’m too busy trying to think of anything except coming down my wife’s throat.
