Page 54 of Trust Me

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When I licked her juices from my finger, I wanted more.

Never have I mixed business with pleasure before. There have been many opportunities to do so. But Townsend Industries had always been my priority. Mixing business with emotions gets messy. And I damn sure am not about to let something as ridiculous asfeelingsget in the way of seeing to the company's success that bears my family name.

I run my hand through the short curls on top of my head and force myself to push down thoughts of Riley. I know well enough by now that they won’t go away completely. But I can think of her naked, writhing beneath me, later. Not when I’m standing in the middle of all of the VPs for Townsend Industries.

“Gentleman and ladies,” I greet as I stand at the head of the table. Six men and five women compose our company VPs, and three more VPs from Sam Waterson’s medical supplies firm.

I scan the room only to notice a noticeably absent face. Where Riley should be seated is another woman.

“Who the hell are you?” I demand to know.

Her eyes widen into saucers.


“How did you get in here?” My finger itches to call security.

“This is Charlotte Greenwald. Riley’s assistant,” Mary, the VP of technology, says.

“Her assistant,” I repeat as if not hearing her correctly. Everyone in the room tenses, especially the woman named Charlotte.

She briefly circles the room with her gaze. “Yes. Riley asked me to sit in on the meeting because …” She hesitates.

“Why?” The one-word question causes her to jump. Obviously, my voice came out louder than intended. Strangely, I don’t know if my irritation is due to the fact that I missed seeing Riley’s face or if it’s because there’s someone in this very important meeting who I don’t know.

“S-She couldn’t make it, but don’t worry. She gave me all of her notes and the reports she wrote up. I’ve already handed them out and I have my voice recorder here,” she holds up her phone, “to record everything for her.”

“Get out,” I say, the words coming out before I even have a chance to process them.

Charlotte’s shoulders slump. She looks defeated, and that makes me even angrier because she’s not the woman I want to see.

Someone across from me clears their throat. “Kyle,” Barry from marketing says. “Ms. Greenwald has given us the report that Riley so diligently wrote up. We’ve had a few minutes to look it over and I do believe it’s worth getting into. I believe we’ve come to know Riley well enough to know that if she’s not present, it’s for a good reason.”

Barry recoils suddenly, and that’s when I realize that I’m snarling in his direction.

He thinks heknows Riley well enough? What the hell does he know about her that I don’t? I’m half tempted to ask if he knows what the inside of her pussy feels like when it tightens around his fingers as she comes.

I know for damn sure he doesn’t.

But I do.

The thought alone, however, sends burning anger through my stomach. I have to think about something else. I’ll find out what the hell is going on with Riley as soon as this meeting is over.

“You’ll stay,” I tell Charlotte as calmly as I can manage. “However, if one word of this meeting is shared with anyone that it isn’t supposed to be, I’ll know who to go looking for first.”

Charlotte visibly swallows. A part of me should feel bad for threatening her, but the real reason I’m angered isn’t here, so she takes the brunt.

I’m determined to go find out where the fuck Riley is as soon as this meeting ends.

* * *

Being a man of my word,as soon as the meeting ends and I finalize a few words with some of the VPs, I head down to the fifteenth floor. That’s the floor where Riley’s been assigned an office.

Her assistant, Charlotte, remained silent throughout the meeting, diligently taking notes. I’d admire her work ethic if it weren’t for the fact that I’m still so damn annoyed. Charlotte left directly after the meeting to return to Riley’s real office.

“Mr. Townsend,” Darius, the receptionist on the fifteenth floor, stands and greets.

“Have you seen Riley Martin?”
