Page 108 of Love Me

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“This is better than even I expected,” our client, Ronald Johnson, says from his position at the far end of the boardroom table.

My team and I have just presented the plan we created for his commercial property. The building features all of the renewable energy features he wanted and more.

He glances at the presentation on the large screen behind me before asking, “And you’re saying this can be up and running within the next twenty-four months?”

I nod. “That’s the worst case scenario. We need your approval for a few more features. Once that’s cleared, I will send these plans up to our guys in construction. We’ve already received the necessary permits.”

“Wow.” He claps his hands and grins as he looks around at his team. “These guys told me Townsend was the way to go. I shouldn’t have waited this long to work with you. My family worked with the Cullen family for so long that I was too damned stubborn to break out from underneath them.”

I thrust my fisted hand into my pocket to keep it hidden. The mention of the Cullen family reminds me of their piece of shit son, Monique’s ex, and the way he hurt her.

The fact that he’s dead doesn’t dampen my desire to dig him up and crack his eye socket all over again. Even after all of these years my ire for that son of a bitch hasn’t calmed.

A memory of my weekend with Monique flashes across my mind. Guilt weighs like a metal balloon in the pit of my stomach.

I was too rough with her.

The morning after our night out at the club I woke up to find bruises of my handprint along her hips. I wish I could say seeing that disgusted me, but the opposite is true. My cock grew rock hard at the sight.

I wanted to take her right then and there. Brutally.

But I held back. I forced myself to get up and take a cold shower.

I jerked off twice while in there to calm my dark urges.

“Get it done,” Wilson says, clapping his hands together, which brings me back to the present.

“We need your signature on a few documents.” I hand him some papers so we can get this shit over with. As much as I wanted this project to go through and to receive his approval, once we have it, my mind is already onto the next hurdle I need to tackle.

My piece of shit half-brother called me two days ago to have me meet him at his accounting office just outside of the city to discuss his father’s money.

The jackass honestly thinks he has me by the balls. He’s too fucking stupid to realize that showing up to Monique’s gallery was him signing his own death certificate.

“You’re in a rush,” Uncle Joshua says as soon as I step out of my office.

I double check my watch. It’s ten of six.

“The papers should be on your desk,” I tell him.

His smile grows. “They are. Johnson had a huge grin on his face when he left.”

Ronald Johnson and his team exited our office almost two hours ago.

“You did a hell of a job on that project. I knew making you the director was the right way to go.”

I won’t lie. It feels good to hear my uncle compliment my work. And more, to know he’s not just blowing smoke up my ass. I did a hell of a job on this project. I can’t wait until the construction of this design is completed. It’s going to be a sight to fucking see.

“The Williamsport Sky will be painted with your designs.”Monique’s words from weeks ago come back to my mind.

I dip my head as a smile crests my lips.

“No wonder you’re in such a rush to get out of here.” Uncle Josh chuckles.

I give him a look.

“What’s that look about? I know what that smile means. You think you’re the only one who’s in love?” He slaps my arm. “Some of us have been doing this for a while.” He snaps at the same time he says, “Oh, that reminds me. Your Aunt Kay wanted to barbecue this weekend since the weather’s going to be nice.
