Page 61 of Always Bayou

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And that would’ve been a pretty good, nonchalant, almost rude thing to say.

If she hadn’t had that knowing look in her eye when she said, “Noted. ‘Night, Beau.”

“’Night, Bec.”


Two weeks later…

“Everything okay?”Beau answered the call after only one ring.

Savannah Lee, Becca’s best friend, didn’t call him often and she was with Becca tonight so of course, he was going to answer the second her name popped up on his phone.

“Um, mostly.”

They were in New Orleans tonight at a wedding and reception with their other college friends, Daniel, and Toby, and Toby’s fiancé, Sam. Sam was a cousin to Beau’s cousins, the Landrys, which made Sam…not Beau’s blood relation at all. Still, Beau loved the guy, and they’d grown up together, and hell, in Autre, everyone felt like family.

Beau frowned at Savannah’s response. He set his saw down. “Where’s Becca?”

“She’s here. Well, she’s in the restroom.”

“Why are you calling me?”

“Yeah. There’s a…situation. And I think you’re the best one to handle it.”

“What situation?” He was already pulling off his work gloves and heading for the door of his shop.

“Okay, so you’re gonna be pissed, but just listen.”

Beau blew out a breath. Savannah was one of Becca’s best friends and had been her roommate during their years at LSU. For the most part, Beau liked her. Savannah was smart and sassy and had definitely matured over the years since she’d come to Autre to visit with Becca. But she liked to push buttons. And she seemed to really like to push his.

“What’s going on?” he asked shortly.

“Okay, we’re at the wedding reception in New Orleans.”


“So we set her up with someone Daniel knew. Paul was coming to the wedding too and we thought, since Becca was the only one of us without a date, that they might as well come as each other’s plus one.”

Beau stopped in the middle of the dirt parking lot between his shop and his truck.

“Okay.” He hadn’t known Becca had a date for the wedding. Or that she’d wanted one.

Not that it mattered. She hadn’t asked him, so what she was doing tonight was none of his business.

“Well, the guy’s being kind of a jerk. I mean, it’s a blind date. But he’s all over her, won’t leave her alone or give her any space. I can tell she’s sick of him but doesn’t want to make a scene or make things awkward for Daniel. So I was thinking…”

She trailed off and Beau blew out a breath. “What,Savannah?”

“Maybe you could come up here? Play the jealous boyfriend? Cut in?”

Beau narrowed his eyes. There was something off about this.

Mostly that it was Savannah calling him and not Becca.

“She should tell Daniel and he should tell his ‘friend’ to back off,” Beau said.

He started for his truck again. A reason to prove to Becca that she could always call him no matter what situation she found herself in? Yeah, he was going to New Orleans tonight. But damn, he wished she’d been the one to call. That was all he really wanted. To be the person Becca could always turn to.
