Page 15 of Spook's Possession

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Chapter 4

“Come sit beside me. I promise I won’t bite.”

A large hand patted the mattress as I shook my head.

“Daddy said not to trust strangers.” I held my bear tighter against my chest. “I want to go home.”

“Not yet. We’re going to play a game.”

“What kind of game?”

“It’s fun. You’ll like it.”

“Is it a board game?” I asked, taking a step closer.

“No, much better than that. You’ll see.”

I woke up with a scream still lingering on my lips. A cold sweat clung to my skin as my heart thundered, beating out an anxious, terrified rhythm as I heaved air into my lungs.

“Shit,” I whispered, throwing off my covers.

Eleven years marked the time since my kidnapping, and I still couldn’t seem to escape my tormentor. He lived on in my nightmares, taking hold of my thoughts and memories and bending them to his will. He still terrified me after all this time. A phantasm I could never hope to run from.

Walking to the bathroom, I tore off my damp shirt and tossed it into my laundry basket. My underwear followed. Inside, I turned on the water, desperate to cleanse my body of the past. If only it were that simple. Once the shower was hot, I stepped inside, refusing to let my thoughts linger on a man who liked to touch children and ruin their lives.

My mind drifted to Country, and a breathy sigh left my lips. That big—and I mean bigall over—boy had ruined me for other guys. I’d had enough variety in the dick department to compare notes, and none of the others I’d been with measured up in stamina or size. All men were enthusiastic, but some just didn’t perform as well as others. My spooky cowboy? Oh, he was talented and dedicated to my pleasure. Add in that girth and length, anddamn, I was satisfied. What more could a girl ask for?

Maybe I began having sex too young. I’d be the first to admit it was probably true. But after what I endured as a child and the heavy secret that had become a monumental burden, I sought pleasure and happiness where I could get it. Anytime I wanted. I was smart. I used protection.

Well, shit. Not with Country. He was the first.

Knock. Knock.

I startled at the noise. “Yeah?”

“Tell me, beautiful. Are you d-daydreaming about m-m-me?”

With a wicked smile, I opened the glass door to my shower. Crooking a finger, I gestured for him to come in.

My sexy, brown-eyed cowboy smiled a lopsided grin and began to strip, leaving everything on my bathroom floor before joining me inside the shower.

His palm cupped my cheek before he leaned in for a kiss.

I tried to deepen it using my tongue, but he pulled back.

“Tell me about your nightmare.”

Pouting, I shook my head, not at all surprised that he had heard. Country always seemed to be close, and I marveled at the connection we shared, so intense in such a short time.
