Page 19 of Spook's Possession

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Chapter 5

After that night, Istalked Heather with regularity.

Micah noticed.

He pulled out a cigarette and lit up next to me, appearing out of nowhere as I nearly jumped. “Hey, stalker boy.”

“I’m not going to s-stop so don’t ask.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He took a long drag and flicked ash onto the dirt beneath his boots. “I like that you’re so protective of her. It’s good to have extra eyes on our girl.”

He didn’t mean that statement in a pervy way. Heather was a biker princess. A girl loved and cherished by the RBMC and the men who had watched her grow into the young woman they all adored. After failing to protect her from the sick fuck who took her, the men in her life held on a little too tight. I couldn’t blame them.

“She’s not over the k-k-kidnapping.”

“No,” Micah agreed. “We all know it too.”

“And it physically hurts,” I added, “r-right here,” as I gestured to my chest over my heart. “I get it.”

“That’s why you’re allowed to stick around, Spook.”

He didn’t call me Country. No one did other than Heather.

“Got another c-cigarette?” I asked, needing something to do besides staring up at her dark window at two in the morning.

“Yeah.” He tapped one loose from the pack in his hand, and I picked it up, leaning in as he flipped open the lighter that he pulled from his leather vest.

Once I had a decent cherry, I nodded my thanks, pulling the nicotine into my body.

Micah nodded. “Not your first.”

Nope. “Tried a bunch of my mother’s shit when I was six. I wanted to know why she loved it more than me.”

“Damn, Spook.”

“I didn’t like the d-drugs,” I added with a laugh.

“You’re not a pussy, man. I’ll give you that.”

We smoked in silence for a couple of minutes.

“What h-happened to the man who t-t-took Heather?”

He knew I would ask.

“My dad and Uncle Macon rode out with a few of the other members in the club and took that pedophile with them. The guy ended up missing on the news, but I think we both know he stopped breathing after a hell of a session of rehab.”

Rehab. Yeah, I hoped that asshole suffered. “Good.” I finished the smoke and stomped out the cinders as I tossed the butt to the ground. “She’s f-fighting a lot of demons.”

Micah smirked. “So are you.”

“That’s why we’re g-g-good for one another.”

“I can see that,” Micah admitted. He cleared his throat. “My uncle needs to meet you. Can’t hide forever, man.”

“I know. Let’s go.”

