Page 20 of Unregrettable

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Oh shit. Bratva.

They’re chatting to each other in Russian over my head as I try to claw my way out from between them, but they’re too much for me.

One shouts in heavily accented English, “Be still. It’s your father, for fuck’s sake.”

I don’t know if this is a ploy, but it stuns me long enough for them to bundle me into the car and slam the door shut. The doors lock. Heaving in draughts of air, I grab the door handle and shake it.

The car bumps as it drives off the sidewalk and back onto the street. A second later, the tires squeal as the car careens around a street corner onto Queens Boulevard, and I’m spirited away to God knows where.

“It’s locked.”

I snap around to see my stalker settled calmly in the seat beside me. He’s dressed impeccably in a tailored pinstripe suit. His dark auburn hair has shots of white running through it. He watches me carefully.

Fear shoots through me. I shrink back into the seat. “What do you want from me? I’m a Lupu, I’m telling you now. Once my parents discover I’m missing, all hell will break loose. I’m just warning you.”

He chuckles softly, amused. His clasped hands loosen in his lap. “They told me you were feisty. I see they didn’t lie.”

“Who the hell are ‘they’? Your thugs? Because you don’t have any issues following me yourself.”

He nods evenly. “True enough. I wanted to see you for myself.”

“Why would you want to see for yourself? I’m nothing to you. I sure as hell don’t know who you are, but I can tell you right now, I don’t appreciate being kidnapped on my way to school.”

He presses his hand to his heart and leans forward in a small bow. “I apologize for the abruptness of our meeting. It was the simplest option and I’m an economical man. Pray, let me introduce myself. I’m Alexei Kotov.”

The blood drains from my face. I blink at him. “Th-the Bratva boss.”

“The one and only.” Another one of those old-style mini bows. “At your service.”

“What would a man like you want with a woman like me?” Panic jolts through me. Now I’m really scared. I swerve left and right, desperately looking for an escape. This guy has power like few men in my world. He can do anything to me. And I’m not even worried about death. Gang rape? Torture? Dismemberment? Hell, point-blank murder is the least painful option at the moment.

He tuts gently. “I would never harm you.”

My eyes widen in terror. For some reason, that softly murmured promise sounds particularly menacing coming out of his mouth.

His tone takes on an edge, just a slight variation in his voice, but it’s enough to scare me senseless. I claw the grey leather seats and press back into the corner to get as far away from him as possible.

“Stop,” he commands. “I swear I won’t hurt you.”

Ba-boom. Ba-boom.My heart is pounding out of my chest. I’m nodding numbly, but panic swells through my body.

“Look at me,” he demands.

I wasn’t looking anywhere but at the dangerous predator in front of me.

“Look into my eyes.”

What is this? Some snake-charming sorcery?My gaze instantly dashes away.

“My. Eyes.”

The tone is strict. Like, scary strict.

I cautiously look toward the side of his face, to his cheekbone, then dart down to his lips and chin, and shoot quickly to his eyes.

His eyes. His eyes his eyes his eyes.

By now, I’m breathing through my mouth. God, it’s hard to breathe. The air seems to only come in short, little puffs.
