Page 24 of Unregrettable

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Once upon a time, life was simple.

The Bratva were busy fighting the Dominicans. The Popescus and the Lupu clan were sworn enemies. My brother was alive. I was a rising star of my clan. And Crina was part of my life.

I guess when one domino falls, they all fall.

Cristian died and everything went to hell in a handbasket. I destroyed my lifelong friendship with Crina. My desire to rise in the clan collapsed. Nowadays, I’m more than happy to be second-in-command and support Lucian in his obsession to get to the top. Why? Because I need to avenge Cristian’s death. With his killer still on the loose, I honestly don’t care about myself. Themafieclans arriving at a peace treaty might be the only silver lining in this new world order. I would’ve never otherwise gotten the chance to marry Crina. It would’ve been an impossibility rather than afait accompli.

History class is almost finished. Twenty kids in a class, seated in rows, and Crina is nowhere to be found. Sure, she might have a doctor’s appointment, but it’s more likely a result of this morning’s tryst.

Did I push her too much?

She has a thing about me not licking her pussy, another way of keeping a distance between us. Usually, I push past any resistance—within reason. Knowing Crina as well as I do, I didn’t think I’d gone too far. She seemed more than happy when she came on my tongue and did her usual fuck off dance afterward.

I feel a rumble of unease in my chest.

But did I go too far this morning?

I check the door once again, like I’ve been doing since class started. Now that she’s my wife, I can’t sit still not knowing whether she’s okay. The city is a dangerous place. It’s one thing when I know she’s riding the subway with her two little friends. It’s another when she’s taking it by herself. Crazy shit can happen. She could get shoved onto the subway tracks by some madman. Attacked and slayed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or what about the Bratva? Isn’t that the reason I married her in the first place?

I stand up from my desk.

“Marku, what is it?” asks a startled Ms. Bogdan.

I start shoving my laptop into my backpack, about to jet out of the class and track Crina down, when the door swings open. My head snaps to the door and everything inside me deflates like a punctured balloon.

She slips in softly. With my hand stuffed down in my bag, I watch as she smoothly offers the teacher the late slip and slides into her seat in front of me.

“Marku?” Ms. Bogdan prompts again.

I drag the laptop out of my backpack and drop back into my seat. “Never mind, I thought I had to leave for a dentist appointment.”

She frowns down at me.

“Must be tomorrow,” I mumble.

“Since you’re here for the rest of the class, you might as well answer the question I just asked. What was Britian’s primary purpose in the Opium Wars?”

Crina glances over her shoulder at me. She looks disheveled, her hair a mess. She tugs on the sides of her shirt, closing a large gap. I narrow my eyes. Is that a tear in her shirt? My brows shoot up. One button is missing and her shirt’s mussed up like someone’s manhandled her. I curl my hands into fists. What the hell happened? Did someone dare touch mywife?

“Marku?” Ms. Bogdan prods, a little irritated by my distractibility.

I cast my eyes down. I can’t even remember the question. Something about Britian and opium.

“I don’t know,” I mumble as I slump down into my seat, eyes riveted on Crina.

“That’s a first,” mutters the kid behind me under his breath. I let out an irritated huff. I don’t care about my school reputation. My ego’s not in the game. Whether school or clan politics, how can it be when I have a huge job left undone. My life can’t go on until I end the man who ruined it.

Thankfully, the bell rings. Ms. Bogdan gives some last instructions about the upcoming test as kids pack up and talk, drowning out her voice.

I lunge over my desk. “What the hell happened to you?”

Crina glares at me and waves her hand up and down her body. “This is what happens when a man takes advantage of a woman and eats her out against her will.”

A girl in the aisle next to Crina sucks in a breath.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I mutter in exasperation.
