Page 57 of Unregrettable

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I do as she asks and give my own command in return. “Ride me rough, Crina. Rough.”

And ride me, she does. I squeeze her waist tightly, helping her as she goes for broke. Her ass smacks my lap with each bounce. My fingers torture her clit. Seconds later, her inner muscles ripple around my shaft and I finally let go, plunging into a spiral of ecstasy like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

It’s euphoria, but not like the scarification euphoria. This is anah-ha, angel-comes-down-and-touches-you-from-heaven rapture. This isI can die nowelation. This is everything. I swoop and swirl in the air like a falcon in flight, otherworldly. At the same time, I’m hyperaware of every movement Crina makes above me. The undulations of her hips, the griping of her pussy milking me. Shudders racking her form. Her heaving chest. Her panting breaths. Every aspect is crystal clear, even as I swim in a muffled, cotton-ball bubble suspended above the world.

Her movements turn sluggish, her breathing slows down, and eventually, I float back to earth and the bubble breaks with a softpop. My vision clears and it’s suffused with the glow of the most magnificent woman in the world. She’s a goddamn siren. A mermaid. My wife.Mine.

I pull out, and like a kitten, Crina instantly curls up to my side. I gently wrap my arms around her. She’s warm and soft; her earthy, spicy scent of cinnamon, cloves, and crushed orange peels rolls over me. She snuggles into my chest.

There’s no talking, which is unusual for us. I like to make jokes and Crina’s a chatterbox, but there’s no need for words. There’s this elemental feeling of completeness, of wholeness. No words can describe what we’ve just experienced.

Her dark eyelashes cast a shadow on her cheeks, still carrying the marks of her tears. This is the most tender I’ve ever seen her. I lay on my back and drag her over me, craving the feel of her weight on me. I catch the corner of the bedsheet and draw it up to wrap us in a cocoon of warmth. It’s late spring, but there’s still a nip in the air this late at night.

I caress the long strands of her auburn locks, twirling one silky curl with my finger. The light catches in the fine strands, reflecting a bright reddish gleam.

“So red,” I note with a sigh of reverence.

“My great-grandmother was German. You know, aSwabfrom Banat. A redhead.”

I nod, taking my time to admire my wife’s beautiful locks. She drowsily lifts her head to watch me watch her for a moment before lowering her head back down and wiggling around until she’s found the most comfortable position. Then she falls asleep right on me.

Her weight feels so good. My cock might have gone limp after emptying inside her, but a honeyed sense of contentment settles inside me, nice and warm. I like knowing that her blood is drying in steaks down my cock, that my seed is seeping out of her newly broken-in cunt, and most importantly that she’s fallen asleep after coming on my cock. Nothing tells me that she’s gratified more than her falling asleep on my chest after giving me her cherry.

My cocoon of serenity is momentarily pierced by the thought of how fleeting this moment might be. I’ll keep her for as long as I live, however long that will be. I will do everything in my power not to fail her like I did Cristian, but there’s no guarantee that I’ll be around for long. I’m still gunning for Cristian’s murderer.

I tighten my arms around Crina, drawing her even closer within our temporary cocoon. And if I should die, at least we got past her virginity. With her father as sick as he is, tonight ensures that she will be considered a Popescu, and my brothers will take care of her. I trust them more than anyone in the world, definitely more than I do her clan, no disrespect to her parents.

That thought comforts me.

If I die, my wife will have the protection of my clan. I’ve already spoken to Lucian and Anton about it, and tomorrow I’m going to make sure to let Cristo that she’s mine in every way that counts.

My eyes droop and I force them back open. Sleep is coming. Insomnia usually rules my nights, but the one time I want to stay up so I can cherish my time with Crina, sleep waltzes in and tries to snatch it away. I’m tempted to resist, but I’m also content enough not to fight tonight. My eyelids sink down and sweet darkness overtakes me.

I will join my wife in her dreams.

Not mine, but hers.



My eyes feel like they’re glued together. I should open them, but my body is begging me to retreat to sleep. I feel a cold draft in my front so I yank the sheet closer and snuggle deeper into the wall of heat at my back. My knuckles graze bare skin. I frown and repeat the gesture. The back of my fingers again caresses uncovered skin.

Hold on… Where are my pj’s?

The whole night comes rushing back and I wake up with a startled gasp.

Marku surges up from behind me in protective mode.

“What? What is it?” His head snaps back and forth, searching for the threat. His hair is a tousled mess. He shakes his head, clearing the sleep. Four stark red gouges disfigure his cheek. Guilt surges through me.

Ugh, I did that last night.

I crash back down into his soft mattress and expel my breath.


Fucked, more like it.
