Page 66 of Unregrettable

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“Let him think what he wants,” I reply. “Little does he know that we’re plotting to get away from here once we graduate.” I feel a twinge of guilt because I don’t know what I’m going to do if I get into a college. I won’t leave Marku now, but I have no idea if he’ll accept the idea of me going.

Wait a minute… Did I just consider letting my dreams fall to the wayside because Marku may not agree? I shake my head at the momentary lapse of sanity. I doubt he would stand in my way on this. I can make him understand, and if not, then I’ll force him to compromise. And the irony, of course, if that he should comewithme, not simply be a supportive partner. He’s one of the smartest people I know. Unlike me, who’s focused on writing and poetry, he’s good at everything he studies. He’s the quintessential Renaissance man. The poster boy for a liberal arts education.

“Especially you,” Star remarks to Gabby. “You’re the one with an acceptance letter in hand.” She tilts her chin in his direction and lifts her brow knowingly. “Let him think whatever he wants. Let him think you’re weak and helpless. The less he suspects, the better.”

“You know, anyone listening to our conversation would think we’re crazy,” Gabby says. “We think he’s ruined our day, but the Mamas and prissy girls would coo over him and say how precious he is for being so suffocating,” she coughs derisively, “I mean, so protective over his sister and her friends.”

I snort. “Then let him marry one of their daughters.”

Star makes a gagging sound and we all laugh.

“That’s why I love you both, you know,” Gabby says, her eyes getting misty. “I’m going to miss you.”

“Don’t you dare assume that we’ll be separated forever,” Star exclaims.

Guilt floods me for keeping this marriage from them, but I have no choice and I didn’t think I’d stay married for long. Certainly not past our graduation. But now, things have changed in ways that I can’t keep up with. I check my phone again. No text from Marku. Worry niggles at me, but I resolutely put my worries aside. I’ll figure out a way to make it work.

I always do

“Don’t let him ruin our day, because we’re goingalllday,” I interject. “Let him try to keep up with us. If he thinks this is going to take a couple hours, he’s got another think coming. Once we’re in Manhattan, there’s no way he can fight us to finish early. It will be three against one.”

Gabby’s eyes brighten. “Yeah, let’s punish him by dragging this out as long as possible. He’ll have wasted his entire day following us around like a bodyguard. He’ll be so pissed off.” She smiles malevolently. “That will teach him a lesson.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize you had such a mean streak,” says Star, glancing at Gabby with surprise.

Gabby narrows her eyes. “Only with him and hisfriend.”

“Who, Anton?”

Her expression turns stormy. I glance at Star over Gabby’s head and tell her to quit it with an imperceptible shake of my head.

“Yeah, him,” Gabby responds grimly.

I look upward and thank my lucky stars.By the grace of God, there go I.

Grateful that I’m no longer carrying the burden of hating Marku, I clasp Gabby’s arm tighter and suggest, “Forget about him.” Feeling generous, I gesture toward her brother. “Don’t let them get the best of you. We’re in charge of our own destiny and today, we’re going to have fun and get into as much mischief as possible.”

Smiling gratefully, Gabby replies, “Absolutely. Let’s do it.”



Five days.

Five hellish days of avoiding Crina. Five days of circling Alexei and trying to figure out a way to get to him. Don’t know which pisses me off more, shunning Crina or stalking her father.

Twirling my stylus pen, I hunch down in the back row of Math class, tuning out Mr. Florescu’s monotonous lecture and glaring blindingly at the back of the student in front of me.

Five days and I’m at my wit’s end. I’ve stalked Alexei day and night. Anton was right; his house is a fortress. To make matters worse, he’s recently blocked off the entire street. No one can enter the cul de sac without getting their cars inspected. His neighbors are prisoners to his so-called “protection.” I bet they’re already being pressured to sell their houses to his officers. It’s only a matter of time before the entire block becomes impenetrable.

After being denied entry, I circled the block relentlessly. The closest building I could access was over three blocks away. I stalked him from the rooftop with a telescope, switching it out for my night vision model under the cover of darkness.

Since there was no way to infiltrate his residence, I switched tactics and proceeded to watch his movements. Also a hopeless task. He doesn’t leave his compound without his team. He rarely drives without a companion car following him.

I focus back on the equation the teacher wrote on the board. This is one of the few classes I do not have with Crina. One would think I’d be happy for the break in avoiding her, but it’s the opposite. At least when I’m huddled in my seat like a coward, I can gaze upon her in between the bodies of other students. Watch her profile when she glances around the classroom. Follow the flick of her hair when it gets in her way.

But the way she looks at me…
