Page 79 of Unregrettable

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Despite the adrenaline and fear still rushing through my system, I laugh out loud.

She thumps me on the chest. “What’s so funny?”

“You, baby. Instead of being grateful that you’re alive, like I am, you’re mad because I didn’t kill him.”

She scrunches her forehead, perplexed. “Seriously, why didn’t you kill him? And why aren’t you mad?”

Sobering, I let out a long exhale. “I didn’t kill him because you were too close to him. It was too risky. There was too much of a chance of hurting you. Told you that already.”

“But I wasn’t—”

“You leaned in close to him, at one point. If it’s a choice between you and him, I’ll always choose you.” I hug her tightly to me, so grateful to feel her soft curves against me that I could almost cry. “I’m angry at myself for letting you get so close to him. God knows what would’ve happened to you if he’d taken you with him. The man is a sick bastard.”

She gags a little at the memory of Kotov’s lust. “But—”

“Never again, Crina. You hear me? I don’t care if he lives to a ripe old age and dies in his bed at ninety. Revenge for Cristian’s death pales in comparison to keeping you alive. If you die, I die. Simple as that.”

Anton and Lucian stomp back onto the terrace. Lucian slams the gate roughly. “Gone.” He gives it a savage kick for good measure. “He’s gone.”

I scowl at Anton. “You swore you wouldn’t shoot him.”

Startled, Anton shakes his head. “Nah, man, that was Lucian. He swore. Not me.”

I give him a stern, angry glare. “Your silence was as good as an oath.”

“Was it?” He looks thoughtful for a second. “Huh, I didn’t catch that.” He shrugs. “Sorry, bro. Next time.”

“Jesus, Anton, she could’ve gotten hurt.”

He lets out a disgusted sigh. “I would’ve never hurt a woman. Ever. The shot got nowhere near her. Hell, it got nowhere close to him either.”

Crina glares at me viciously. “Don’t you go blaming yourself.”

“I’m furious with myself,” I acknowledge.

Her shoulders slump. “At having lost your chance to kill Alexei, I know.”

“No, baby girl, at almost losing you.”

Her eyes grow soft. She lays a hand on my heart and I clasp it, crushing it to my chest. The weight and heat of her hand grounds me.

The kitchen staff peer out from the open door of the restaurant, step out cautiously, and seeing that we wouldn’t attack them, inch closer. Their gazes swing right and left as they survey the damage.

Placing a kiss on her lips, I say, “Come on. Let’s get the hell out of here.” I rise to my feet, bringing Crina up with me.

“Cristo is not going to be happy,” Lucian grumbles.

“I don’t give a shit,” I retort. “Let him fall for a woman one day and go through what I just went through. What if Star had been in this position?”

“Hell, no,” he rumbles. He checks his phone and turns his back to me, muttering, “I’d never put Star in a position like that.”

“Crina will never be again,” I promise, pulling her closer to me.

Before I can go further and tear into him for his remark, he looks over his shoulder at Crina.

His face is stark. “Crina, check your messages, sweetheart.”

