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“I told myself years ago I wouldn’t involve myself with them again,” he says through his hands. Lifting his head, he looks me straight in the eyes. “But for Andrea, for her safety, her freedom, her peace… I’ll doing whatever it takes.”

I’ve never doubted anything Jack has ever told me. I have no reason to; he’s a stand-up guy. However, there’s something different now; the gravel in his voice, the conviction in his tone. I know he means business.

“My brothers, specifically Colton, have connections with questionable characters. He can make sure Morales receives the message.”

I can tell the bourbon is taking effect. Jack’s speech is slowing.

I lean forward, placing my elbows on my knees. “Are you sure they’ll help us?”

It doesn’t sound like he’s talked to them recently or that they’re even close. Jack may call and get told to take a hike. Especially knowing he’s a detective and I’m a district attorney.

“Oh, yeah. They live for this shit,” he says, his words a little slurred.

I don’t think calling now is the best plan. I chuckle a little, which draws Jack’s attention. He chuckles and leans his head back against the back of the sofa.

His eyes are closed, but he asks, “How did you find out about Morales?”

He knows I saw him testify in court, but that’s not what he’s asking. He wants to know how I found out he’s being paid. That’s a question I can’t answer yet. Not fully.

“I have a private investigator working for me. I want to have as much evidence as possible when it’s time to bring certain information to light and certain people to justice. Who is paying him and how I know are things I can’t tell you right now. However, when the time comes, you’ll know everything.”

Jack cracks his eyes open, barely looking at me through slits. “Fair enough.”

He’s too drunk now to press me. I think the shots have worked in my favor. Jack is a damn good detective, and had he not gotten drunk, he would have pressed me until I gave up some information.

I need to make him lie down to sleep the bourbon off. “Jack, just turn and lie down on the couch and sleep it off.”

I grab the throw blanket off the back of the sofa. He doesn’t respond verbally, just sort of falls to the side. I toss the throw blanket over him and leave him be for now.

I take my suitcase and laptop case into the guest bedroom. I’ve grown accustomed to making myself at home here. I unpack my clothes, hanging my shirts and pants in the closet and putting my underclothes into the dresser drawers. I packed enough for a few days, but honestly, I wish I could stay longer.

After kicking my shoes off, I lie on the bed on top of the blankets. I stretch out and put my hands behind my head. Charlie’s beautiful face comes to mind. Her features are perfect. Her green eyes, smooth skin, and warm smile. I could lose myself in her every day for the rest of my life. I jerk at that thought. My eyes open, her face disappearing.

The rest of my life. What the fuck, Andrew? Get real. She doesn’t want you like that, and I don’t want her like that, either.

Even my thoughts are jumbled when it comes to her. They sound like the thoughts of a confused, sex-crazed teenager.

Closing my eyes again, I let her image resurface. The peace she brings me is indescribable. I haven’t felt peace like this in my entire adult life. She quiets the demons that haunt me effortlessly. Lying with her last night, breathing in her lilac scent, drifting off peacefully while holding her. I didn’t want to let her go when I woke up this morning with her still in my arms.

I could tell she didn’t want to leave me. When her alarm woke us, she immediately turned in my arms to face me. She kissed me gently on my lips, and I was unable to resist deepening it, which turned into more. So much more that I’m still replaying it in my mind.

I was surprised by her desire for me as soon as her eyes opened, and that only spurred me on. I didn’t plan to go there with her, showing her that side of me, but it just came out. I was unable to resist pushing her to see how far she would let me go.

My cock starts to harden just from the memory of this morning with her. Her red hair spread across the bed, her hooded eyes, and her sly smile taunting me to give her more of me. And I did. I showed her a piece of me, a small part of my desires, and it went so much better than I fucking expected. Giving her all of me is my new favorite thing.

The bedroom door suddenly swings open, and Jack stands in the doorway. He clearly didn’t pass out like I expected him to. I sit up quickly, hoping he doesn’t notice the bulge in my pants.

“Colton is sending the message to Morales,” he slurs out. “I told him I could get more information for him. He said the name and city was enough.” He turns to walk away, but after a few steps, he turns to face me again. “By the way…you should just hook up with Charlie and get it over with. We all know it’s bound to happen. We’re all shocked as shit it hasn’t.”

My mouth hangs open. Jack isn’t normally one to just call someone out. That’s the bourbon talking. Before I can respond, he closes the door and shuffles back up the hallway.

Flopping back on the pillow, I feel a combination of relief and concern pulsing through me. I can’t imagine what Colton must have thought with Jack calling him out of the blue, drunk off his ass before lunchtime, to ask for a favor. I’m glad he’s willing to help us. And I’m shocked Jack told me to hook up with Charlie. It’s obvious everyone wants us to be together, but I don’t think they mean in a casual sex kind of way.

I don’t know if “casual sex” is a great description. It’s passionate, hot, fiery, sensual. It’s hungry and wanting. It’s slow and caring. It’s fast and hard. She’s everything I want in a lover and then some. Every time we’re together, I tell myself, “Just one more time.” She’s like a drug, my own personal addiction. Whether we’re really together or I’m stroking myself fantasizing about her, she’s always on my mind. Invading my every thought, even when I’m not near her.

I don’t know if I’ll ever get enough of Charlotte Reed, but I know one thing is for sure. I won’t stop trying.

It’ll be hours before Charlie and Andrea are finished at the café. I close my eyes and let my head rest on the pillow before drifting off. I hope Jack is doing the same.

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