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He leans down to place a soft, sweet kiss on my jaw before releasing me. His hands leave my body, and I instantly ache to have them back on me. He moves to walk past me but stops and turns suddenly. He leans down so his eyes meet mine.

“I don’t want you to run from me, from this.” The seriousness in his eyes steals my breath. He holds my gaze for a long, pregnant pause, then heads straight for the kitchen without another word or backward glance.

He leaves me standing there at the mouth of the hallway, stunned and utterly breathless. This man may just be the ruin of me. I feel it in my bones. I’ve never felt such a powerful pull towards another person. Never wanted to know every little detail about someone. I crave him even when I’m mad at him. He infuriates me and at the same time captivates me.

I take a deep breath and try to slow my racing heart as I move toward the kitchen. A big smile splits my face as I round the corner and see Andrea standing at the sink. She looks over her shoulder with a knowing glint in her eyes, but I ignore it.

“I had to go to the bathroom. Did I hear you say daiquiris?”

She nods and gestures over to the counter where one is already poured. I walk over, pick it up, and take a large drink. The ice sends shivers down my spine and a cold burn down my throat.

“Geez, Charlie, just going for it, huh? I think that one is better to sip.” Andrea giggles.

“Maybe she just needs a little cool down,” Andrew suggests, causing my cheeks to redden.

He knows exactly what he does to me as I look over and find a knowing smirk on his face. I huff, back to feeling that all-too-familiar irritation with him. It’s irritating that he knows me so well. It’s irritating that he makes me so wet. It’s also irritating that he says such sweet words then walks away from me.

Andrea’s gaze bounces back and forth between the two of us. Then a smile overtakes her face. “You know, I was a little worried about the two of you. But now? Maybe this will be pretty awesome.” Her smile is wide, but it falls the moment she turns to look at Andrew. “Just don’t fuck it up, Brother.”

“Don’t fuck what up?” Addy asks as she comes in from the patio, carrying an empty beer bottle.

I look at Andrew, my eyes wide. I’m unsure how much we should say and to whom. It makes me feel very un-Charlielike. Usually, I don’t care what anyone thinks or says, but I feel protective over this, uncertain. I have no idea where this will go or if we really have a shot at whatever is between us.

My emotions have been on a roller coaster for the past few days.

“Charlie and me,” Andrew answers for both of us.

We seem to have switched roles. He’s now the more confident, “I don’t give a shit what people think,” type, and I’m over here… What? Scared? Worried? Cautious?

Oh, holy hell. I need to snap out of it because this is sooo not me.

Addy’s head swivels back and forth between the two of us as an enormous smile grows with each turn. “I fucking knew it!” Her voice basically bursts out of her as she bounces up and down excitedly. Her antics are so funny everyone in the room dissolves into laughter.

“What the hell?” Andrew asks.

Addy shrugs. “Andrea told me to not to interfere, but I knew!” Addy is even louder, and before long, everyone who was out on the patio comes in.

“Babe, what the hell are you going on about?” Nathan asks Addy.

She turns to him, excitement sparkling in her eyes. “You owe me twenty bucks, babe! Ha! I told you!” She points at Nathan, then at me, then at Andrew.

Poor Nathan looks as confused as a lost puppy. “Owe you for what?”

“Andrew and Charlie are doing the dirty. It’s time to pay up.” Addy has her eyebrow lift and her hands are planted on her hips, one of which is popped out.

She looks so pleased that I giggle, but then I can’t stop as it turns into a laugh. Irene, Joe, Nathan, Addy, Sophia, Jack, and Andrea all stand around the kitchen, their eyeballs playing Ping-Pong between Andrew and me.

Fuck it. I walk over to Andrew, place my hand on his chest, and rise onto my tiptoes to reach him. I slide my hand around the back of his neck and pull him down to me.

“I guess the cat’s out of the bag,” I say before pressing my lips to his.

His low chuckle makes my heart skip a beat, then all I can feel or taste are his lips and mine. His arms wrap around me to pull me closer to him. The kiss deepens, and the hoots and hollers in the kitchen fade away until it’s just us.

He finally breaks the kiss. “Why does that feel so damn good?” He seems just as dazed as I am.

“Ewww! Why is Charlie kissing Uncle Andrew?” Sophia’s sweet yet disgusted voice breaks through our little bubble.

Andrea and Addy gasp at the new title. I look up at Andrew and find another breathtaking smile on his face, but this one is different. He looks over at Sophia with love, devotion, and pure joy on his face. I know exactly why.
