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My dad turns his head, and I find a deadly serious look on his face. “Leave so I can get answers from him.”

I fight the urge to stay as I stand and walk toward the foyer leading to the hallway. My gut tells me to stay, that I need to hear this. Instead, I ignore it and trust my dad to get the answers. Maybe Christopher will talk more freely.

This feels like more than some fight he got into at a party. Why would he call my dad if it was that simple? Christopher has been in fights before, and it’s never been that big of a deal. Why does this feel so different?

I slowly walk down the hall and hear their quiet whispers. I can’t hear anything specific as I make it to my door.

“Andrew.” Dad’s voice booms from the foyer.

I turn and make my way toward them. Christopher looks like he’s about to puke, and Dad… Well, Dad looks focused.

“If anyone asks, Christopher got the busted lip and black eye from you.”

Why would we lie? “But—” My protest dies on my lips as he interrupts me.

“No fucking buts. He took your car without permission, and you got pissed. End of story. Got it?” His tone leaves no room for argument. There’s a cold bite to it.

“Why?” That’s the only question my stuttering brain can come up with in that moment because I’m so caught off guard from the whole scene playing out before me.

“It doesn’t matter,” is all dad says before ushering Christopher out the door. He slams it shut behind him, and I stand there in stunned silence.

What in the fuck is going on? The answer to that question only comes in bits and pieces over the next few weeks, months, and years…

I jolt awake, my heart pounding out of my chest. I’m sweaty and out of breath from the dream. Well, it’s more a nightmare than a dream. One that has plagued my entire adulthood.

I swipe my hand down my face. I fell asleep sitting upright on the couch. I still have my suit on, and the glass of bourbon must have slipped from my hand because it’s now on the plush rug. Thankfully, it was empty, and the glass didn’t break.

I sigh and lean over to grab the glass before standing. The cool glass chills my overheated skin. I hate that reoccurring nightmare. I swallow, my throat dry and scratchy.

I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water before heading to bed, my thoughts going back to that night all those years ago. The night that changed the course of my life.

I wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to do doctors without borders, something where I could really help people. After that night, however, I lost my choice. I lost any future I had planned for myself.

I make it to the refrigerator and fix a tall glass of cold water before gulping it down in three long swallows. I fill it again, then look over at the clock and realize it’s almost two in the morning.

Shit. I didn’t call Charlie before I fell asleep. I pat my pockets and find them empty. I wander back into the living room to search for my phone. I can’t call her now, but the least I can do is send a text to apologize. She’ll see it in a few short hours when she gets up to head into the café.

I find it in the couch cushions, and the screen lights up as soon as I pick it up. My heart sinks when I see a text from Charlie a little before midnight. Damn. She’ll think I ignored her.

Charlie: Do you want to talk tonight?

It was the only text she sent, and I didn’t respond to it. I quickly type out a reply, hoping I can smooth it over before she thinks too much of it.

Me: I’m sorry. I got home and had to deal with some shit then I fell asleep on the couch.

Me: I wanted to call before I went to bed, but I fucked that one up.

Me: Have a great day at work, baby. I can’t wait to talk to you later.

I blow out a frustrated breath. I’ve only been home for one fucking day, and I already feel like I might blow this whole thing. I’m not used to having someone to call after work, someone to worry about or think about.

I hope she’s patient with me while I figure it out.

I make my way to my bedroom and take off my suit before I fall face first onto my big empty bed. I already miss the feel of her surrounding me, her long hair fanning out around me and her intoxicating scent enveloping me.

Thankfully, I fall into a dreamless night’s sleep for the rest of the night, but morning comes too soon, and I wake up to find no response from Charlie.

Chapter Twenty-One
