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“It sure does. Tell me what I can do to help.” Mom heads over to the sink to wash her hands.

“I’ll be in the living room watching TV and staying out of your way.” Dad grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and makes his way to the sofa. He plops down, sets his water on the coffee table, then leans back and props his feet beside the bottle.

Mom and I exchange a giggle as we watch him. His health scare was too much for both of us, apparently. I wish they’d slow down some. At their age, it wouldn’t hurt.

Mom and I get to work cleaning and seasoning the salmon filets. After placing lemon slices across each of the cuts of salmon, I wrap them in parchment paper and make a little pouch to bake them in. Then she preps the asparagus, and I start on the potatoes.

There’s a knock at the door. Before I can react, Dad is on his feet heading over to invite them in. I hear a chorus of cheerful greetings, and I make out Jack, Andrea, Addy, and Nathan’s voices. Dad makes introductions as they spill into the living room.

Dad closes the door behind them, and I wave from my place at the counter. “Hey, make yourselves at home. Mom and I are getting dinner started.” Then I realize Dad only introduced himself since Mom is in here with me. “Everyone, this is my mom, Margaret.”

Mom turns and gives a wave. It probably kills her not to rush in there to hug everyone. “Hello! Lovely to meet you!”

“Mom, this is Jack, Andrea’s fiancé.” I motion in Jack’s direction as he gives Mom a nod and a kind smile. “You already met Andrea. This is Andrea’s sister, Adalyn. We typically call her Addy. And next to last but not least, this is Addy’s boyfriend, Dr. Nathan Rivers.”

Nathan wrinkles his nose at my formal introduction of him. “Please, call me Nathan. It’s nice to meet both of you,” Nathan says, turning to include Dad.

I smile as I look down at the little girl holding onto Addy’s hand. “I saved the best for last. That cutie patootie beside Addy is Miss Sophia, Nathan and Addy’s daughter.” Addy beams with pride at the mention of Sophia being her daughter.

“It’s nice to meet you both, right Sophia?” Adalyn says, nudging Sophia. That child doesn’t have a shy bone in her body so I’m unsure why she needs prompting.

“Mmhmm,” Sophia says with a half-smile.

“What can I do to help?” Addy asks as she walks into the kitchen.

“I’ll help, too,” Sophia says as she hurries past Addy to the sink to wash her hands. There’s the kiddo we’re all used to and love.

I move aside and ask Addy and Sophia to finish prepping the asparagus. Adalyn’s a good cook, so I don’t know how Andrea managed to miss the boat on that one, but man did she ever.

“I’m hanging out in here watching some TV, guys, if you want to join me.” Dad takes a few steps back to the sofa and reclaims his spot, even propping his feet up again. Nathan and Jack follow behind him, taking their own seats.

I hear my phone ringing from the bedroom. I excuse myself from everyone to answer it. It stops ringing before I can get to it. When I do, I see I have a text and a missed call from Andrew. I ignore the text notification and tap his name to call him back.

It barely rings once before his voice comes through the phone. “Hey, beautiful. What are you up to?”

Before I even think about the words, they’re leaving my mouth. “Missing you, wishing you were here.” My face heats as a blush spreads across my cheeks at my admission. It’s the truth. I find I miss him all the time.

He chuckles. “I miss you. I wish I was there, too.”

“My parents are here visiting. They arrived early and surprised me at the café this morning. Jack, Andrea, Addy, Nathan, and Sophia are here, too. We’re all having dinner together.”

“That sounds great, babe. I’m glad your parents are there. How’s your dad?” There’s a hint of sadness. I know he wishes he were here, too.

“Mom says he’ll be fine, but I can’t help but worry. You know how it is when it’s your parents.” My face immediately scrunches, and I kick myself as soon as I finish the last sentence.

“I don’t, but I can imagine,” Andrew says flatly.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

“No, don’t apologize. It’s okay. I wouldn’t wish the relationship my siblings and I have with our parents on anyone. I’m glad your dad is doing better, babe.”

I relax, a soft smile curving my lips. “Thank you. I appreciate it. It’s a relief.”

I don’t know what I would do without my parents, but I don’t want to say that to Andrew. He can’t relate to that feeling, and it breaks my heart for him. For Addy and Andrea, too.

“Charlotte.” I turn when I hear Mom’s voice.

A smile plays at the corner of her mouth. Who knows how long she’s been standing there?

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