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Evil? Yes. Genius?

Fuck no.

I go straight to my computer. I’ll be up all night putting everything together. All the pieces are here. I just have to put the puzzle together. I don’t waste any time, either.

It’s almost four in the morning before I get to my last tasks. Charlie called when I first sat down, and I just couldn’t talk to her right then. My blood was still pumping too hard, and my focus was all over the place. Frankly, I knew I wouldn’t be able to talk to her like I need to.

So, I put it off, hoping like hell I can get there and do this in person instead of them receiving the letters I’m about to write to all of them, the people I care most about.

As I sat here compiling everything I have on Malcom, it only sank in harder that I confronted him too early. He still has time to cover his tracks and silence me. It was a sobering thought to think that my father would come after me, but he’s proven time and time again that he has no qualms about taking out people, even his own children.

My stomach churns at the thought of what he’s put Andrea and Addy through. I don’t understand how a father could do the things he has done, the pain he has caused, but it only fortifies my efforts to take him down for all of it.

What he’s done to me pales compared to the hurt and trauma he’s caused them, and they don’t even know it was him. That will change soon enough, and even though I dread that day, I know they deserve the truth. I just wish I didn’t have to be the one to break their hearts.

My sisters and I won’t live in fear of him. He’s done controlling all of us. I’ll make sure of it, even if it’s the last thing I do.

I pull up a blank word document for each of them. Andrea, Addy, and Charlie. I want them to hear from me how much I love them, how much I regret, but above all, how much I want them to be happy. With me here or not.

After I finish those, each saved under their names, I open a new blank document and prepare to write the confession I should have made years ago.

I take a deep breath. This will be painful, but I refuse to leave them in the dark if something happens to me. This is the only way I can ensure their safety if something goes wrong.

“Are you on your way?” the voice on the other line asks.

“I’m heading out of town now. I should be there in a few hours. Do you really think this is it?” I ask, needing reassurance again. Too much rides on this for it to be the wrong car.

“This is it. I know it. They did a good job covering their tracks, but they made a mistake. They didn’t stick around to ensure it was destroyed. The salvage yard kept it for parts instead of destroying it. It looks like they didn’t pay them enough to do what was asked,” Colin answers.

My heart does a little jump. God, this better be the smoking gun. I’ve put it all on the line, and if it’s the wrong car, I’m fucked. Scratch that, we’re all fucked.

“Look, I need to talk to you about something else. A favor.” I drum my fingers on the steering wheel of my black XT6 and look over my shoulder to change lanes on the busy California freeway.

“What is it?”

“I put everything we need to nail his ass on a jump drive and mailed it to your office this morning. If anything happens to me, take it to Jack Lawson in Fraser, Colorado.”

He’s silent for a beat, likely processing my words. I’ve never given him instructions like that before, but we’ve never been so close to the truth before, either. I need him to know how serious this is, and my request tells him just that.

“Do you think this might go sideways?”

“It already has. I just need to beat him to it.” I’m still kicking myself over confronting Malcom.

“Whatever you need from me, I’ve got your back. We’ve been hunting this son of a bitch for far too long. You know I’m just as invested as you.”

That’s not the truth. There’s no way for him to be as invested in this as me, but I understand the sentiment, and I appreciate his loyalty more than he will ever know.

“It’s insurance. If anything happens to me, don’t fucking hesitate. Do you understand me?” It may be too late for me, but it isn’t for my sisters. If it’s the last thing I fucking do, I will protect them from him.

I rub at my chest, a sudden ache starting low on my sternum and working its way up.

“Colin, I need you man. Fucking promise me you’ll get it to Jack no matter what. My sister’s lives will depend on this.”

“Consider it done. Now stop talking like this. We’re going to nail Malcom to the fucking wall, and you’re going to get your life back,” he says with so much conviction I almost believe him.

My attention is diverted when I hear a loud honk from behind. I look into my rearview mirror to see a car weaving in and out of traffic erratically. I push the gas pedal down out of pure instinct, and the blacked-out sedan follows suit.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as I watch the sedan gain on me. I push the gas down harder and dart in and out of the morning traffic. I risk another look in my rearview mirror, and the car is now dangerously close to me.
