Page 176 of Never Trust An Alpha

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Her feral wave passed faster than before, and I relaxed into her, kissing her head. “Little wolf, you seem to be getting better at gaining the upper hand when your wolf struggles like that. I’m sure it’ll keep getting easier until it’s no longer an issue.”

She snuggled against me, holding onto my shirt for dear life as the rest of her body slowly relaxed into me. Thoughts started swirling in my head. If we claimed each other, if we fulfilled the call to fated mates, would that speed up her recovery process?

Hope built inside my chest that it would. It might also help her decide if she wanted to claim me in return. She’d be entirely free to choose if she didn’t have the feral side effects to worry about. She’d said as much last night. That was the only thing now that made her hate what she was—the fear of hurting someone. If we could fix that, then there would be no reason for her not to fully embrace everything about her wolf and our life together.

I’d mention that when I told her about fated mates later. I’d use everything to my advantage if it could help me keep her at my side.



“You’re right. I’m gaining control faster each time.” I turned my head and kissed the bottom of Ridge’s chin, then snuggled closer to his neck while taking deep breaths. He calmed me like nothing else ever could. I would never get enough of his scent. I wanted to bottle it up and keep it with me forever.

The confrontation with the Greenthornes had pissed me off, and my wolf was still making it harder for me to maintain my cool. Them threatening my brother and Ridge had made me want to murder them. My wolf had wanted to hunt, with them as her fresh meat.

“I’m sorry for almost losing it like that,” I said. “I was already getting worked up with their threats of telling the town about you possibly working with hunters. So when they threatened my brother, I saw red for a second. If you hadn’t gotten me away, I might’ve attacked them right there in the middle of town.”

“Little wolf, you never have to apologize to me. You’ve gotten so much better. Trust me, my wolf wanted to go after them as well. Refraining was hard for me, and I’m not battling a feral side.” He lifted my chin with a finger and kissed me. “You’re getting better. Embracing your wolf and letting her out is all great work. You’re finding that balance. Your inner wolf is meant to protect you, and she’s doing what she thinks is best to keep you safe. So if she’s protective of your brother, she probably senses that Kyle isn’t a danger to you.”

I looked into Ridge’s eyes, daring to hope that his statement was true. I was different now and had other priorities, but I didn’t want to run or hide from my brother. I wanted him back, but not at the expense of Ridge or the shifters of Blackwood Creek.

“I’ll talk to Kyle now and cross my fingers that we can get something out of him.”

“Are you sure you’re up to it right now?”

I sat up straight so Ridge could see that I was okay. “I am. My wolf is settled, and I’m not as drained as I’ve been in the past after battling her because I didn’t have to fight as hard or for as long to gain control.”

“Do you want me to go in with you?”

Biting my lip, I debated if that was a good idea or not. I didn’t know if Kyle would be as open with my alpha wolf fake fiancé were around. He didn’t know that our engagement wasn’t real, and I didn’t know if that would change anything with him, but I didn’t want to have that conversation with him about Ridge. I was okay with him believing I was engaged.

It also didn’t help that I had this heavy desire to introduce Ridge to my older brother. Not the hunter who was threatening to cure me or who’d trapped my fake fiancé, but just having Ridge meet Kyle as my brother. I couldn’t explain why I needed to accept his offer to stay because there wouldn’t be any reason for him to stay. My wolf had relaxed more since Ridge would be near us, which was something that had been happening more as of late. Since we’d been forced apart, she’d been clingy, whiny, and unsettled until we were back in the same place as Ridge.

“I’d like you to stay,” I finally said.

I noticed the slight ease in Ridge’s posture, and the tightness around his eyes and mouth lightened up as well. I should’ve figured that he didn’t want to leave me alone with Kyle. He didn’t care for my brother, but he knew how important he was to me, so he’d let me see him unless my safety was in question.

Ridge never had to tell me that. It was a given. His protective alpha nature wouldn’t have it any other way.

He kissed the tip of my nose, then stood with me still in his arms. I gasped at the sudden movement and tightened my arms around his neck. Ridge smirked at me, sliding me slowly down his body as he lowered me to my feet.

“I’ll get Clawson to bring Kyle in here.”

Ridge opened the door, and Clawson stood rooted at the entry. He looked into the room at me, and I gave him a little wave. With a strained smile, he nodded once, and Ridge asked him to bring Kyle in there.

While we waited for Kyle to be brought in, I thought about the stoic sheriff and wondered if Margo had spoken with him yet. I was curious to ask him, but that would be pushing it. Clawson wouldn’t answer me, and Ridge knew nothing about what was happening.

I had to talk to Margo. The town was rubbing off on me—I was getting nosier by the day.

Clawson brought Kyle in sans cuffs, as my brother had proven they were a wasted effort. The department would only have to shell out more money from their budget to replace them.

Kyle looked at me with a small, nervous smile, but a scowl took its place the moment he saw Ridge standing protectively at my side. I didn’t say anything, as there wasn’t anything to defend. Ridge had my back. He’d repeatedly proven that by going above and beyond for me more than anybody had done in a long time.

Gesturing for Kyle to sit, I sat down and waited for him to sit opposite me. Ridge leaned against the back wall while Clawson shut the door and left us alone.

Kyle dropped his glare from Ridge and took a seat. He was far less hostile when he looked at me.Aware that time was of the essence and that I wanted to build up our once-solid trust, I came out with everything I’d discovered and hoped he would reciprocate.

“I guess I’ll just jump in with what I know. Hunters are working with a dark witch who is curing shifters of their wolves.” I raised my hands and used air quotes around “curing.” Ridge didn’t hold back his growl at my terminology, but that didn’t faze me from talking to my brother.
