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After making my rounds, I grabbed a coffee to-go at the diner. I wanted to get home and clean up, but I was exhausted. Caffeine would be my saving grace.

As I stepped onto the sidewalk with the steaming cup, I heard someone call out to me. “Mayor.”

“Mayor,” another voice piped up.

Both Magpies stood at the diner’s entrance, eyeing me expectantly. I would have laughed if I wasn’t so beat.

“Ladies, will you please spread the news about the meeting at town hall this evening?” I gave them the details, and they nodded.

“Now, we should expect to be hearing further news as well, shouldn’t we?” one asked.

I smiled. “Yes, there will be further news. I’ll share it with everybody this evening. It’d be best to get as many townsfolk at the meeting as possible.” My smile vanished. “We don’t know what we’re dealing with at the moment, so it’s imperative to keep everyone informed properly and not jump to conclusions or turn gossip into fact. That’s how even more problems occur. Our priority is finding out what actually happened to Deputy Hill. Don’t you agree?”

Pointedly, I stared each Magpie in the eye. They were the town’s telephone, and things could easily get mixed up and reworked into fiction.

Both women narrowed their eyes at me, but when I didn’t back down, they acquiesced. They were kind but nosy women and demanded a lot from people, which made many uneasy around them, so they got away with their butting in. But it never worked on me, no matter how hard they tried. I’d learned from the very beginning to stand firm.

It helped that I was an alpha with a natural affinity not to kowtow to anybody—shifter or human.

As I walked to my car, I spotted Mrs. Marrow. She stood in front of the library, comforting a very pale Lola Kipling, who was frowning, chewing her lip, and her cheeks were stained with tears. Lola stood hunched over as Mrs. Marrow stroked her back to soothe her.

Lola looked like she was about to be sick and possibly faint again. From the state of her, she’d need help to walk, and Mrs. Marrow would be unable to help. Thinking I might need to take Lola to the urgent-care center, I headed in their direction.

I stopped in my tracks when Christie Greenthorne appeared in front of me out of nowhere. I hissed out a curse under my breath. I really needed to be more focused on my surroundings.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? I demand to know why you’re getting frisky, putting your hands all over the new trollop in town, in front of God and everybody, when you’re supposed to be considering the mating proposal with Audrey.”

Her high-pitched voice was like nails on a chalkboard. I winced. My wolf was snarling, ready to force her submission for daring to approach her alpha in such a manner and out in public where anybody could hear. What would a human think if they heard the term “mating proposal?”

“Audrey is beside herself right now because of the horrifying murder she witnessed at the hands of that loose tart. You should be comforting her because you’re the only one who can meet her needs.”

I shut my eyes and pinched my nose as I settled myself down. It wouldn’t help to force Christie’s submission out in the open like this. I took slow, measured steps until I was completely in her space and towered over her. Her eyes widened, and for a brief flash, she remembered her place. But a sneer quickly replaced it.

I spoke quietly, my voice dangerously calm. “I already declined your offer of mating with Audrey several times. I’d be more than happy to announce it publicly. In fact, I’ll do it this evening at the town hall meeting. That way, there will be no further question about it.”

I bit back the smile that wanted to break through when Mrs. Greenthorne’s face went apocalyptic-red. Nothing was more embarrassing to her than being shamed in front of people. I didn’t care. I had to control her somehow, and since we were out in the open, it had to be done discreetly.

“As for the other matter, Audrey witnessed nothing more than everyone else because she happened across a horrible scene. Just as Tori did.”

Mrs. Greenthorne opened her mouth, but before she could argue, I spoke over her.

“As for Audrey’s needs, they are obviously being met just fine by the many men she keeps on rotation, including Mateo, since there’s no question that she was with him last night. Why else would she have been at the bar so early in the morning?”

Christie sputtered and chafed before furiously spitting out, “My daughter is only seeking temporary companionship the same way anyone might. The same way you are with that dirty trollop until we officialize you and Audrey’s mating.”

This woman had a screw loose. She hadn’t heard one damn word I’d said. My wolf saw red as I reined in our fury.

“Christie, I will say this once, and only once. So, listen up and soak it in.” I forced a hint of a growl into my voice so she knew without a doubt that her alpha was talking. “There. Will.Neverbe a mating proposal, marriage, or relationship with Audrey. Ever. Nothing. I repeat: Nothing about Tori is temporary, and I will not tolerate hearing my fiancée being called a trollop again.”

Mrs. Greenthorne’s face went ashen; the silence flattered her. The wheels slowly started to turn, and I smirked when it dawned on her that Tori would be her luna, the pack alpha’s mate. Essentially, her queen.

“That’s right, Christie. Be very careful about what you say and do from here on out.” I lowered my mouth to her ear so nobody could hear. “She’s to be my mate, and I won’t tolerate any disobedience or disrespect from anyone in the pack when it comes to my mate. Understood?”

Stepping back, I lifted my brow, awaiting a response. A cat must’ve caught her tongue because she bristled and stormed off. It wasn’t how I liked to do things, but Tori brought out a side of me I didn’t mind showcasing. Not if it meant assuring her safety and the respect of the townsfolk.

A chuckle forced me to turn around. It seemed the Magpies had been watching the show. The smirks on their faces hid no shame.

I tipped my head at them and noticed that Mrs. Marrow and Lola Kipling were no longer outside the library.
