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Softly, I told Ridge about my talk with Lola that morning and what we’d discussed. He listened patiently, his thumb stroking the hand he was holding against my cheek that his other arm rested on the pillow. His body hovered over me in a protective stance. I didn’t think he knew he was doing it, but I appreciated the gesture.

“Mrs. Marrow must’ve taken the claw bone knife from Lola’s place when she helped her move in. When I spoke with Lola, she mentioned that the librarian helped her move in and unpack some boxes. It would’ve been easy to take it then, or at least notice that she had it and then go back to retrieve it.” I paused. “Mrs. Marrow must’ve killed Deputy Hill during the blackout. That would have been the only way she could’ve gotten the drop on him. I mean, she wasn’t the largest woman. She could have done to him what she did to me. I never saw her coming.”

Ridge stiffened, but he calmed down and continued playing with my hair as he rested his cheek on my head.

Silence fell over us as I luxuriated in Ridge’s touch and attention, giving him time to mull over what I had told him before he spoke again.

“With what I witnessed, I don’t doubt it, not at all. It would help to know why, though. I don’t understand the motive, but Mrs. Marrow as the killer is what it all seems to be. I don’t doubt that for a second. I still want to get my hands on her. My wolf and I want to handle this as an alpha, not a mayor.”

His confusion had me closing my eyes, and my gut clenched. He wanted shifter justice, and I ached for him. Because I was now seeing it all with open eyes, and the shifter way wasn’t wrong. It was different, but his need to make this town a fair community made me admire him all the more. He didn’t want to be driven by basic animal instincts, which, I had to admit, weren’t wrong at times. They were just and instinctual but not cruel. Not like how the hunters tortured and tormented. The so-called human way was more barbaric and brutal.

Memories of my training with my father haunted me, all the more so now that I’d endured what I did. I still didn’t want Ridge to know everything, but I’d let him in enough so he could learn what I could teach him about the hunters and why it wasn’t safe here after all the hard work he had done.

How much had I ruined that for him?

Cupping his cheek in my palm, I held him close. “I know why. Deputy Hill knew about shifters and worked with us, protected us. He must’ve stumbled upon the fact that Mrs. Marrow had been working as a mole in Blackwood Creek and feeding information to a group of hunters.”

Stiffening in my hold, Ridge lifted his head and looked me in the eyes. “How do you know this?”

“When I was in the library, I recognized the name of a top hunter who’s been paying Mrs. Marrow. I think she’s been feeding him information about the shifters here. It’s the only thing that makes sense why this hunter would be paying her.

“I’ve been trying to understand why the hunters have yet to attack. This place would be a major boon for them, especially since they had a mole on the inside, but I’m positive they’re biding their time for when the moment is right to strike.”

Ridge’s brows furrowed, his forehead wrinkling as he put on his thinking face. The idea of a mole in his town was killing him, I could tell. That he hadn’t been able to stop it and I’d gotten hurt was not something he’d forgive himself for. This man really was too good for me in every sense.

Biting my bottom lip, I hated what I had to say next, but I kept his gaze because I couldn’t stop looking at him. His worry and care had me tied up in knots. He stayed with me every step of the way, and I could look him in the eye for what I had to tell him next.

“Ridge, I think it’s time for me to leave Blackwood Creek. Mrs. Marrow made it sound like she told the hunters I was here, and they want me. I could lead them away from here. Lead them away from you.”

Ridge stood so suddenly, his chair screeched. “Why are they after you specifically?” His voice was soft and gentle. He must’ve sensed I was uneasy.

I didn’t want to tell him about my family. I didn’t want him to know I had trained to become a hunter for a year before I turned. I didn’t want him to know any of the twisted things I’d been taught how to do. If he looked at me differently than how he did now, I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I’d rather get caught and die than have him know these things about me. If I had to witness his disgust, I’d never be the same.

“Could I have some water or something to eat?” I asked. “If we’re going to stay up and come up with a plan for how we’re to protect Blackwood Creek, I’m going to need some sustenance.”

“Shit. I’m sorry, baby, of course. I’ll be right back.” He kissed my head and rushed out of the room.

Baby. I smiled at the endearment. I could get used to hearing that from him.

Laying my head back against the pillow, I took several deep breaths. I tried not to get worked up over the idea of my father and the other hunters knowing where I was. If I let that panic take over, who was to say it wouldn’t induce another feral awakening? I needed to stay calm. My head needed to be in the game so I could figure out how to keep the hunters away from Blackwood Creek. Away from Ridge.

After today, there was no more denying it or lying to myself. I was falling hard for him. I’d already fallen, and if I’d walked on the scene he’d walked in with me, I’d be lost. The idea of losing him had my heart near shattering. I’d die along with him, I was sure of it. I couldn’t explain it, but the feeling was there, gripping me.

Waiting wasn’t my best virtue, and it was worse when Ridge wasn’t within arm’s reach. For the first time, I was needy and allowed myself to roll with emotion. Today had been too much of a close call. I’d allow myself to take what I needed, and right now, I needed Ridge. I wouldn’t deny myself. After tonight and in the light of a new day, it would probably be different, but I wouldn’t think about that for now. I wanted him back here with me. I wanted him to hold me, kiss me, take care of me. I needed to be soothed because my wolf and I were in this limbo of chaos, and Ridge was our center. He grounded us.

A rough grunt and a soft thunk hitting the wall outside of my room had me lifting my shoulders off the bed. There was a scream from a woman, but it died off quickly.

As my nerves awakened, my heart monitor went wild, sounding like a siren beeping into the room.

Wiggling to the side of the bed, I tried to get off the bed. The door opened, and a man stepped inside. A man who wasn’t Ridge.

All my blood flowed into my face and my heart accelerated to the max. Fear punched me in the gut as I tried to make sense of who I was seeing.


I exhaled at the sight of my brother dressed in the whole hunter get-up, weapons strapped all over his body. There was blood on his arm, but I could see no open wounds.

His body stiffened and he locked his jaw as he searched me over. A flash of worry sparked in his eyes as he looked at the wound in my side and all the monitors, but his ever-present mask of neutrality locked back into place. His enclosed persona took hold as fast as it had dropped when he first saw me.
