Page 126 of Perfect Bragg

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He clears his throat and grasps my hand. “Before you, I never believed I could have it all. A wife, a child, a family.”

“Bonehead,” Miller mutters from the crowd.

“You showed me I was wrong. I vow to always be there for you. When you need a friend, I’ll be the best friend you can imagine. When you need care, I’ll support you. When guilt threatens to drown you, I’ll be your life jacket. When your fears become too much, I’ll stand there holding your hand until you conquer them. I vow to be this family’s protector and your confidante. I will never let a secret slip to the gossip gals.”

“Hey now!” Sage shouts. “Why is he singling us out?”

“When you’re tired, I vow to get up at three a.m. for feedings and changings. I love you. I will love you for every day of my life. And I thank you for becoming my wife and giving me the gift of this daughter.”

I swipe at the tears running down my cheeks.

“How am I supposed to top that?”

Elder winks. “Don’t worry. I’ll let you top me later tonight.”

I giggle. “Goofball.”

“Your goofball. Until death do us part.”

I shake my head before inhaling a deep breath. “Thank you for showing me I was wrong. For showing me I’m not to blame for what happened to my family. That I can love someone without them leaving me. Thank you for not leaving.”

“Never,” he growls.

“I vow to always be grateful for you. Even when you’re driving me nuts with your surprises. I vow to love you until my dying days. And, finally, I vow to laugh at your corny jokes even when they aren’t funny.”

He gasps. “My jokes are funny.”

I shrug. “I love you anyway.”

“And I love you, Mrs. Harmony Bragg.” I open my mouth to fight him on the name. “No. Your name is Harmony Bragg from now on. I’m giving you my last name so you know you have a family. No matter what, you have a family.”

And here I thought I couldn’t love him more.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

He leans close to kiss me before whispering against my lips. “Thank you, darling.”

