Page 102 of Bragg's Match

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He pretended to be the man I wanted. Pretended to be an adult. But it was only a façade. The real Brody is immature. A prankster who will never grow up. He’s not for me. I need him gone before I repeat the mistake my mom made.

I slam the bedroom door and collapse against it. I wait until I hear the front door shut before sliding to the floor.

Damn him. I never should have let him past my defenses.

Chapter 33

Who brought the barf bag? ~ Message from Ashlyn to her friends


I groan when Harmony shouts my name. It hasn’t even been an hour since I kicked Brody out and the news has already spread all over town. Sometimes living in a small town sucks.

“I’ll check the bedroom,” Ashlyn says.

Ugh. The last thing I want is for my friends to invade my house for some sort of cheer me up ritual. I pull the cover up over my face. Maybe if I can’t see Ashlyn, she won’t be able to see me?

“Aha!” she shouts as she yanks the covers off me. “Found her!”

I glare at her. “Do you always have to shout?”

“Yes, I do.” She grins. “Thank you for noticing.”

I throw my pillow at her. “It wasn’t a compliment.”

Harmony peeks inside the room. “Are we meeting in here?” She doesn’t wait for an answer before yelling behind her. “We’re meeting in Soleil’s bedroom.”

Harmony climbs onto the bed and settles next to me while Eden, Moon, and Ashlyn sit at my feet. At least I don’t have to get out of bed for this cheer me up session.

“What happened?” Ashlyn asks.

“I thought we were going to ease into it before we started interrogating her,” Eden says.

“Interrogating? Am I suspect? What’s my crime?” I try to make light of the situation since I have no desire to discuss my break-up with Brody.

“Breaking Brody’s heart,” Moon says.

I scowl. “I didn’t break Brody’s heart.”

She snorts. “Sure, you didn’t. And he didn’t show up at our house all teary-eyed asking for sanctuary.”

“Sanctuary? He’s not a political refugee.”

“Maybe he’s seeking refuge from the wrath of Soleil,” Ashlyn suggests.

I roll my eyes. “The wrath of Soleil? What am I? Some kind of angry beast?”

She shrugs. “Rumor has it you were pretty pissed when you arrived home tonight.”

I don’t bother asking how she knows I was pissed when I got home. This is Winter Falls after all. “Wouldn’t you be pissed if the fire department was in your house when you got home after a long day of work?”

“I don’t know. River is pretty hot in his fireman outfit.”

“I’m telling Rowan what you said.”

She grins. “Good. It’s been a while since my husband gave me a good punishment.”

I bury my face in my hands. “Someone stop her before she starts describing her sex life. I can’t handle it.”
