Page 54 of Bragg's Match

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“And I’m pretty sure I took care of you last night, too.”

My body heats as memories of last night flash into my mind. Him going all alpha and ordering me around. I got off on it. Big time.

“Sex is sex. I need a man who can take care of me all the time,” I say as I climb out of the bed. “You’re too young.”

“If you give me the chance, I’ll not only take care of you but I’ll treat you like a princess,” he claims. When I don’t answer, he sighs. “Please think about it.”

I wish I could believe him. I wish he could be the man for me. The man I want. The one to take care of me.

But, no, he’s Brody, the prankster.

I’m afraid he’s just like my dad. Going after an older woman to take care of him so he can do whatever he wants without any responsibilities.

I can’t chance it.

Chapter 19

All residents be advised. Soleil is not allowed in her backyard. I repeat. Soleil is not allowed in her backyard. ~ Message from Brody on the Winter Falls Facebook page


Riley glances up from his workbench where he’s staining a piece of wood when I walk into his garage. “No.”

My twin is a handyman slash woodworker. The pieces he makes are pretty awesome. When he sets up a booth at a Winter Falls’ festival, he always sells out the first morning.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any of his talent with tools. Give me a keyboard and I can run circles around him. But tools? I didn’t know the difference between a shovel and a trowel until recently.

“You don’t even know what I’m going to ask.”

“The last time you asked for a favor you spilled an entire can of stain. No.”

“It was an accident.”

“What about the time you thought it’d be funny to rearrange my tools? It took me a week to put things back in place.”

“You shouldn’t have told Mr. Barker who stole his boxers.”

“You didn’t need his boxers.”

“How else was I going to dress the scarecrow?”

He rolls his eyes. “You could have used your own boxers.”

“But we set the scarecrow on fire.” It was seriously awesome.

“You could have sweet talked Mom into buying you a new pair of boxers.”

“You’re the sweet talker. Not me.”

It’s true. My brother can charm the pants off anyone. Although, nowadays the only woman he’s charming is Moon.

He smirks. “It’s true. I am the charming twin.”

“Will the charming twin please lend me some tools?”

“Tools? Do you know what tools are?”

I motion to the wall behind him. “A tool is a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.”
