Page 61 of Bragg's Match

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He saunters away without another word. When he’s gone, I can finally breathe again. Phew. I was sorely tempted to invite him back into my bed for more than sleeping. But I can’t. He’s not the man for me. He’s too immature.

Except he wasn’t acting very immature tonight. He must have known all he had to do was push a tiny bit and I would have given in and had sex with him. But he didn’t push. He walked away. Maybe Brody is more mature than I give him credit for.

Chapter 21

Does anyone have any extra lawn chairs I can borrow? ~ Message from Sage on the Winter Falls Facebook group page


Ispread the plans for the shed out on the picnic table in Soleil’s backyard. I’ve spent the past week cleaning up the space and removing the debris. It’s finally time to start building.

The first thing I need to do is assemble a floor frame and then add the floor sheeting. I study the plans for a few minutes until I have the instructions memorized. And then I begin.

It’s not long before I’m sweating my ass off. I pull off my t-shirt and throw it on the table.

“Sexy thing!”

I whirl around to yell at my twin and notice he’s not alone. The entire Bragg bunch is setting up lawn chairs in Soleil’s backyard.

“What are you doing here?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Riley asks as he sits in his chair.

“I think it’s obvious.” Elder pops open a beer.

“Completely obvious.” Peace sips on his beer.

Miller grunts in agreement.

I join them and reach into the cooler. I could use a beer, too. It’s been a long day. I woke up early to finish coding my new game before coming out back to spend the afternoon building the shed.

Riley slaps my hand. “No beer if you’re using power tools.”

Peace groans. “Can you imagine Brody drinking tequila and using power tools?”

I scowl. “I would never drink tequila and use power tools.”

What do they think of me? I’m not a child. I understand safety protocols.

Elder snorts. “The same way you would never drink tequila and break into someone’s house again.”

Riley shivers. “Thanks for the visual. As if I need a reminder of someone’s balls in my face.”

I ignore my twin. “First of all, I didn’t break into anyone’s house. It was a library.”

Elder rolls his eyes. “This time.”

“Second, I never promised not to break into houses again.”

“I don’t understand what Cassandra was thinking allowing you to drink tequila,” Peace grumbles.

“Cassandra owns the only bar in town. Of course, she served me tequila. It’s her livelihood. Besides, it’s not illegal for me to drink tequila.”

Peace frowns. “Obviously, an oversight on my part. I’ll bring it up at the next city council meeting.”

I glare at him. “There is no city council.”

He grins. “I can ask the chief of police to make a town ordinance.”
