Page 63 of Bragg's Match

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Elder rubs his hands together. “We should bet on who gets pregnant first.”

Miller sizes Peace up. “I got this.”

“Because you can control whether your sperm fertilizes one of Eden’s eggs?” Peace asks.


“Did you skip sex education in school? We have excellent sex education in Winter Falls.”

Miller crosses his arms over his chest. “I think I have it figured out.”

“If you two are done talking about having babies, can we get back to how Brody got his boo-boo?” Riley asks.

I go on the attack. My brothers will bust a gut if they find out I fell off the couch. “Boo-boo? How old are you?”

Riley rocks back on his heels. “Older than you.”

“By two minutes,” I remind him.

Elder rubs his knuckles over my head. “You’ll always be the baby to us.”

I bat his hands away. “Screw you.”

“Such nasty language for a baby.”

“I’m not a fucking baby,” I growl.

Peace taps the bandage on my temple. “And yet you have a boo-boo on your head.”

“Anyone can get a head injury.”

“Head injury?” Miller asks.

I’m done discussing this. I need to get back to work. This shed is not going to build itself.

“I fell. There, are you happy now?”

I start to walk away but Miller blocks me. “How?”

I avoid the question. “Is no one in this family on my side?”

Riley chuckles. “You know the deal. When you’re in the pre-mating phase, you’re on your own.”

“The pre-mating phase? Are you a sociologist now?”

“He’s right,” Elder says. “While you and Soleil are dancing around each other, you’re equivalent to fresh meat at the market.”

“I thought Harmony said you couldn’t eat meat.”

“Stop avoiding the question,” Peace orders. “Tell us how you got hurt or I’ll have a patrol car stop by Soleil’s work and ask her.”

“Soleil’s not involved.”

“I may be new to this whole brother thing, but I’m not an idiot. If she weren’t involved, you would have told us already.”

“She’s not involved. Can we leave it now?”

Elder barks out a laugh. “If Soleil’s not involved, he hurt himself doing something embarrassing. Let me guess. You fell in the bathtub while jerking off.”
