Page 7 of Bragg's Match

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Ireach my arms into the air and stretch my back from side to side. Sitting behind a pottery wheel all day is not the best for my back. I should probably attend some yoga classes. I yawn. But who has the time?

I have less than two weeks until theLithafestival and I don’t have nearly enough pottery pieces ready to sell. Brody breaking a piece last week certainly didn’t help.

Brody. He’s such a menace. How could he possibly think blaring music would be okay while I’m working on pottery? His idea of cheering a person up and mine are completely different. Where’s the wine? The back rub? The snuggling on the sofa?

The snuggling on the sofa? Am I thinking about someone cheering me up or a date? A date with Brody?

Enough with this contemplation. Brody and I are friends and roommates. Nothing more. I need a shower and bed before I fall asleep on my bathroom floor.

I switch on the water before removing my dirty clothes and throwing them in the hamper. I step into the shower and moan as the hot water pounds on my back. This is exactly what I needed.

I wet my hair before pouring shampoo on it. I massage my scalp as I work the shampoo into my hair. I lean back to rinse my hair and—

“Ah! Cold! Cold! Cold!”

I jump out of the shower and wrap a towel around me before rushing out of the bathroom. “Stupid pilot light,” I mutter as I hurry down the hallway.

The guest bathroom door flies open and Brody races out. I hold up my hands but I don’t have time to stop before I run into him.


We smack into each other. Brody wraps his arms around me, pulls me to his chest, and twists as we careen toward the floor. We land with a thud.

As soon as I catch my breath, I start wiggling to get out of his hold. “What are you doing?”

He holds tight to stop my wiggling. “Saving you.”

“Saving me? Saving me from what?”

“Hitting your head on the floor.”

“I wouldn’t have hit my head on the floor if you hadn’t run into me. Why weren’t you watching where you were going?”

“The water went cold. I thought the pilot light might be out.”

My brow furrows. How does he know the water went cold? “The water went cold?”

“Yes. In the shower,” he speaks slowly. “Did you hit your head after all?”

“In the shower? You were in the shower?”


“No wonder the water went cold.”

“I’m confused.”

“My water heater can’t handle two people showering at once.”

“Lesson learned.” He smirks. “On the bright side, we’re both naked together in the hallway.”

“Naked?” I screech and scramble to my feet. Or, rather, I try to. Brody latches onto my shoulders and I flounder against him. “Let me go! I don’t want to be on top of you naked.”

“Maybe not. But if you stand up, I’ll be exposed.”

Oh no. I’m afraid the hardness beneath me isn’t Brody’s thigh. My nipples tighten and wetness gathers between my thighs.

“Exposed?” I screech to hide my reaction. “Are you a flasher now?”
