Page 76 of Bragg's Match

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“All’s fair in love and war,” she sings before wandering off with the gossip gals following her.

“Hey!” I shout after her. “You didn’t promise to stop messing with us.”

“What did you say? This old lady can’t hear very well anymore.”

Liar. She can hear better than most young people. Brody wraps an arm around my shoulders. I can feel him shaking with laughter. I try to push him off of me. “It’s not funny.”

“Come on. An eighty-year-old bested you. It’s hilarious.”

“She didn’t best me.”


I elbow him. “You’re still laughing.”

We make our way to the loveseat in the front of the room. It’s the loveseat all newly minted couples have to sit on at movie night. I don’t know how the tradition started but I will see an end to it.

I flop down and Brody hands me a tub of popcorn. The smell of caramel wafts toward me.

“Where did you get the caramel corn?”

“I ordered ahead since I know it’s your favorite.”

“How do you know it’s my favorite?”

“Because I pay attention, pixie.” He tweaks my nose. “Now, what do you want to drink? I have orange soda, water, beer, and wine.”

“When did you manage all this?”

“I’m a man of mystery.”

“Okay, man of mystery. Do you have any candy?”

“Of course. I have cinnamon gummy bears, cinnamon gum drops, and cinnamon jellybeans.”

“No chocolate?”

“Nice try. I know cinnamon is your favorite.”

“You’re annoying.”

“I’m annoying because I know you prefer cinnamon over chocolate?”

“You know what I mean,” I grumble before holding out my hand. “Water please.”

The lights flicker before Juniper walks to the front of the room. “Ahem.” She clears her throat when the noise doesn’t quiet down. “Ahem!”

When no one shuts up, she shouts, “Who wants to know what tonight’s movie is?”

“I already know,” Ashlyn shouts back.

“Fifty bucks says you don’t,” Juniper snaps.

“I’m with Ashlyn,” Moon says.

Juniper rolls her eyes. “Naturally. You two are inseparable. I’m surprised you’re not sister wives.”

“Why sister wives? Why not brother husbands? Why does the woman have to share the man? Why can’t I have two men instead?” Ashlyn asks. Her husband growls and she pats his chest. “I don’t need two men. I have Rowan, but it’s the principal of the thing.”
