Page 86 of Bragg's Match

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I slap him. “Dork.”

“Sexy dork who you can’t wait to drag you home and ravage you.”

I open my mouth to correct him but shrug when I realize he’s right. “Let’s go home.”

Home. I love the idea of having a home with this man. I stumble when I realize why. I’m falling in love with him. Oh boy. I hope I didn’t just take the exit from the highway for the Heartbreak Hotel.

Chapter 28

Can I call in sick to family dinner night? ~ Text from Soleil to Eden

Itug on Brody’s hand before we can turn into the walkway leading to Peace’s mom’s house.

“I don’t know if this is a good idea.”

His brow furrows. “Why not? It’s family dinner night.”

“Exactly. It’sfamilydinner night.”

He scratches his neck. “I’m confused.”

I narrow my eyes on him. He’s not confused. He’s being obtuse. On purpose. “I’m not part of your family.”

“You’re my girlfriend.”

“Of two weeks,” I remind him.

“One,” he begins and I sigh. He only counts off reasons when he’s being stubborn. “Time is immaterial. You and me together feels good. Feels right. Who cares if it’s been two weeks or two months or two years or two decades?”

My insides go all squishy at his words. Damn him. Being all sweet again.

“And, two, a girlfriend is a member of the family.”

“Except my twin has never had a girlfriend before,” Riley says as he and Moon join us on the sidewalk.

Brody goes after him but Peace appears and steps between them. “Who knew being a police officer would be such good training for being a big brother?”

“I knew,” Elder says as he and Harmony stop next to us.

Harmony’s holding baby Robin and I immediately reach out my hands. “Gimme.”

“If she has an accident while you’re holding her, you have to change her,” Harmony says as she hands me the baby.

I cuddle Robin close. “You wouldn’t have an accident while Auntie Soleil is holding you, would you, baby girl?”

Harmony barks out a laugh. “If she has accidents while Elder, who is her favorite person in the whole world holds her, she’ll have an accident whenever she wants.”

Elder snatches the baby from my hands. “I am Robin’s favorite person.”

Harmony sighs. “This is going to be fun when she hits dating age.”

“By the time she’s twenty-five, she’ll understand how men can be dawgs and how she has to force them to respect her.”

Olivia walks out of the house and comes to stand next to me. “What are we discussing?”

Harmony points to Elder. “What an idiot my husband is. He thinks he can prevent our daughter from dating until she’s twenty-five.”

“My house. My rules.”
