Page 96 of Bragg's Match

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“What? No! I want to do this for Soleil to show her how special she is to me. Asking you to prepare a meal doesn’t say special.”

“This is awesome! Soleil finally found her man.”

“What? No! I’m not her man,” I deny, although I am definitely her man. But I can’t let Soleil’s friends catch on to how much I love her before I tell her.

“You’re her boyfriend, aren’t you?”

“I’m not a boy.”

“You have all the boy parts, don’t you?”

I growl. “I have the man parts.”

“I can’t wait to tell Ashlyn.”

“You can’t tattle to Ashlyn about tonight. I want this meal to be a surprise for Soleil.”

I want tonight to be special because tonight’s the night. I’m going to tell Soleil I love her. My heart thumps in my chest and my hands clam up. I wipe them on my jeans. No clammy hands while cooking.

“I’m not going to tell Soleil.”

“Ashlyn has the biggest mouth in Winter Falls. If you tell her about tonight, Soleil will find out.”

Don’t get me wrong. Ashlyn is fun. But she has no idea what the word discretion means. Not the first clue.

“I can’t believe you,” Moon grumbles.

Crap. I forgot Moon and Ashlyn are attached at the hip.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bad mouth your best friend.”

“You can bad mouth Ashlyn all you want. I can’t believe you think she has the biggest mouth in Winter Falls. What about me?”

“You’re my favorite sister-in-law,” I claim, although she has yet to marry Riley. They will, though. My twin learned his lesson. He’s not letting Moon go again.

“Can I tell Harmony and Eden what you said?”

I groan. “You’re a shit stirrer.”

“Thank you.”

“I have to go. I need to get started on dinner.”

I glance at the clock. An hour to make a rack of lamb, homemade mashed potatoes, and salad for dinner? I can do this. But the crème brulee? I’m still not sure about using a mini torch.

When the doorbell rings forty-five minutes later, the mashed potatoes are made and the rack of lamb is resting on the kitchen counter. I shove the croutons in the oven to toast them before answering the door.

“I can’t believe Moon,” I grumble when I open the door to the gossip gal gang standing on the porch.

“What about Moon?” Sage asks as she pushes her way inside with Feather, Petal, Cayenne, and Clove following her.

“Why don’t you come in?”

“Keep up the sarcasm and we won’t help you finish your special dinner for Soleil,” Cayenne says as she marches to the kitchen.

I hurry after her. “I don’t need your help.”

“Yummy,” Clove mumbles around a spoon.
