Page 98 of Bragg's Match

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“What did you stick your spoon in now?”

She motions toward the small bowl next to the salad I still haven’t finished preparing. “The salad dressing. Although I prefer a balsamic vinaigrette, the red wine goes well with the lamb.”

“I love red wine vinaigrette.” Cayenne pushes her way past Clove. “I want to try.”

“No one’s trying anything!” I shout. “Soleil is going to be here any minute and I still need to finish prepping the meal and set the table.”

I try to herd them toward the front door but they refuse to move. Short of picking them up and throwing them out the door, I don’t know what to do.

“Which is why we’re here,” Sage says.

“To help you get everything prepared,” Petal adds.

I inhale a deep breath before I tell them I would already be prepared if it weren’t for their intrusion.

Clove sniffs. “What am I smelling?”

“Is something burning?” Cayenne asks.

“Nothing’s burning. Everything’s out of the oven.” I turn to check if the oven is turned off and notice smoke emitting from it. “Shit. The croutons!”

I yank the oven door open and smoke pours out of it. I grab an oven mitt, remove the tray of croutons, and set it on the stove before switching off the oven and shutting the door. And here I was worried about the mini torch.

“I’ll phone River. I have the sexy volunteer fireman on speed dial.” Petal digs her phone out of her purse.

“There’s no need to phone the fire department for a few burnt croutons,” I argue.

The smoke alarm goes off to prove me wrong. I grab a towel and wave it in front of the alarm.

“I’ll alert River just in case,” Petal says as she dials her phone.

“We should evacuate the building,” Sage shouts over the alarm.

“There’s no need to evacuate. There’s smoke but no fire.” I glance at the croutons on the stove. Okay, fine. More than a bit of smoke. But there’s no fire. I’m firm on the lack of fire.

“What’s going on?” River shouts as he runs into the house in full fireman gear minus the helmet.

“Everything is under control,” I yell over the sound of the smoke alarm.

“I’ll show you what the problem is, River.” Petal bats her eyelashes at him.

River fists his hands at his hips. “Petal, you promised to stop phoning in false alarms.”

“It’s not a false alarm. The smoke alarm is going off and the oven’s on fire.”

“The oven is not on fire.”

“The oven’s on fire?” Soleil screeches as she rushes inside. “What happened?”

The smoke alarm cuts off.

“Nothing. Everything’s fine,” I claim despite the smoke lingering in the room.

“Make sure you ventilate the house well tonight and throw away whatever that is.” River indicates the croutons on the oven. I can’t blame him for not recognizing the food. It’s a charred mess.

“Come on ladies, I’ll escort you out.”

The gossip gals rush to him. They wave as they leave.
