Page 15 of Saved By the Grump

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Oliver can probably read my facial expressions because he raises an eyebrow and that smug look descends on his face. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. I'm guessing you're pretty broke too."

A gentleman would have not mentioned the obvious, but I'm getting used to his barbs. I think he’s just one of those people who are naturally mean bastards.

Which is a shame, because he’s so very attractive.

Like very, very attractive.

In the daytime, I can clearly see his stand-out features now, those harsh cheekbones with a gray beard surrounding almost pouty lips. His snowy eyes are also punctuated by bushy eyebrows the same color as his hair. He regards me now with a cool gaze, but I recall the fire that lit in his eyes when I came out of the bathroom, the hot way his gaze had traced over my body. It was the sexiest thing I'd ever experienced. He looked like a man who liked what he saw, and his gaze set a corresponding fire inside my belly.

But on second thought, I'm probably just being delusional because there's no trace of that in his eyes now. And there’s no way a man like him would look at a woman like me anyway.

Hey, stop that. I immediately catch myself in the thought.Just because most men don’t see it doesn’t mean that you aren’t beautiful.

I’ve never doubted my beauty, but I'm also realistic. I just know I don’t appeal to everyone, especially not a man like him.

He looks like the type to like petite, slender blondes that could be on the front page of a magazine.

“I don't have a plan exactly,” I admit to him. “I just lost my job yesterday. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to just stay here and freeload off you either. I’ll find something pretty soon.”

“Right. And what exactly are your qualifications?”

“That’s none of your business,” I say, annoyed with the constant questioning.

“Are you done with college at least?”

“Yes!” I say, looking away at the little white lie. “I don’t know why you think I’m still in diapers, but for your information, I’m not.”

“Sorry,” he says. “All of you twenty-year-olds look the same to me.”

“I’m twenty-five, nearly twenty-six,” I tell him and his lips quirk.

"I’m forty,” he says. “So, it’s the same difference.”

I blink at him. “You’re forty?” That‘s a surprise to me. He looks much younger than that. The only thing that tells me he’s an older man is the gray hair and the lines that appear by his eyes the few times that he does smile.

Everything else, especially his finely-honed body, is much younger, exuding strength and virility.

“Yeah," he says. “And I’ve had way too many years on this earth to be scammed by a weeping damsel."

I nod distractedly, still analyzing his good looks. I'm so taken that it takes me a few seconds to understand what he's accusing me of.

"Wait, are you saying I’m trying to scam you?” I ask, outraged at even the implication.

He's not smiling but there's a twinkle in his eyes that could be humor. "I'm not saying you'renottrying to scam me,” he says.

“Why do you think the worst of me?” I ask, giving in to the urge to throw up my hands. “Like for real. What did I do to you?”

"You mean, apart from scratching a four-hundred-thousand-dollar McLaren that they only made five of in the world?”

"Four hundred thousand?" I gape, and my heart jerks in my chest. I knew the car looked expensive but I didn’t know how expensive. “For real?”

“Yeah,” he says casually. “And it’s not going to be fixed without you getting a job.”

“Yes, I know, I know. I will pay for it. Every dime." Although, I can’t imagine how much the damage on a car like that costs. Jesus, what if it's north of ten thousand dollars? I don’t know what job will even get me to the point where I could pay for an obscene amount of money like that.

But I’ll keep working. I’m not about to let myself become dependent and I’m going to keep my word. Besides, this is my fault. I should have been watching where I was going. As much of an asshole as he can be, he doesn't deserve to have his expensive car ruined.

I nod. “I’ll spend the entirety of today looking for a job,” I say. “I already started this morning before you came in. A lot of them look pretty promising."To someone who has the right qualifications.
