Page 35 of Saved By the Grump

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But it's difficult to think clearly when I’m with her. Even after I backed away from her, watching her still sprawled out on the island, surrounded by desserts, with her sweet wetness dripping from her thighs…Fuck, I’d almost gone in for Round Two. I was instantly hard again.

And despite our agreement to not have sex again, I'm still hard now.

Fuck, I can still taste her. I drank her in and if I just lick my lips, I can...

The phone ringing distracts me from thoughts of her pussy. I grab onto it like a lifeline, answering.

“What is it?” My voice sounds angrier than I intend it to.

“Um…boss?" My assistant Freddie's voice is a little tentative but it still brings to mind my morning meeting.

A meeting that I'm now ten minutes late for.


“I’m on my way,” I say before he can say anything else, as I pull out of the driveway and back to the real world.

The rest of the day, I focus on work. I have to reschedule the first meeting to later in the day but I take the time to review some of the projects we're taking on, sending folders back to my agents for corrections. Then later in the evening, I head over to one of our new sites, that we've been planning to turn into a shopping mall.

Through it all, though, she’s in the back of my mind.

I probably shouldn’t have fucked her in the middle of all those pastries because now every doughnut I smell I remember her. I remember her taste on my tongue, the way her scent overwhelmed my senses, how fucking sweet and intoxicating she was.

And then everything starts reminding me of her, even the fucking dandelions in the grass.

It gets so bad that one of my worst frenemies, Jonah White, notes my distraction when we’re on the site.

“You got a new girl?’ he quips as we trek over the stones scattered on the property.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I ask and he smirks.

“Nothing,” he says. "You’ve just got a look about you now.”

“A look?”

“Yeah, like you got some sweet woman on your mind that you just can’t forget about.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” The lie slips smoothly out of me, but the last person I want to suspect I have a crush on a woman is Jonah. I've known him since high school, and while we're nearly the same age, we've lived very different lives. I'm a well-known asshole businessman who gets shit done, while he plays off the family man angle.

We've been rivals since I moved into town, but we partner on many projects as well. Like this one. Against my will, we've developed this weird relationship over the years. He knows a little bit of my romantic past, and I once had to drive him home after he got stupid drunk on the anniversary of his wife's death.

But even with all that, I wouldn’t call us friends exactly.

And he’s not above using any information I give him against me, if need be. I respect him for that. I would do the same.

“Yeah, I do know what I'm talking about,” he says as he smirks at me. “That’s the exact look I had when first met my Hannah.” His eyes get a far-off look. “Damn woman used to make me forget my own name at times. I would be wandering around on site and forget what I was doing.”

“And do you see me doing that right now?”

“No, but you were staring at that dandelion so hard, you completely forgot to inspect the measurement."

Fuck. I glance back at the clearing and see that indeed I didn’t place a yardstick at the marker proving that I inspected it. For any other person, it could have been excused but not from someone as meticulous as me.

“Plus,” Jonah adds, “Harold told me this morning that you missed a meeting with them."

Fuck. The real estate community in Langdon is way too small.

“Are you going to keep yapping or are we going to do our jobs?" I counter.
