Page 40 of Saved By the Grump

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“He says you cook like an angel.” He leans forward in his seat as if to enunciate the words. “Is that true?”

I blush immediately. How exactly does one react to a statement like that?

“Um, well,” I stutter around the words. “I cook pretty well.”

“You don’t have to be modest about it," Jonah responds, and this time he does smile. “Look, I’ve known Oliver for probably over two decades now. I know his sister and I‘ve known all his 'girlfriends' or whatever he calls them." He uses air quotes for the word and I blush.

"I'm not his—"

"Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say," Jonah interrupts. "Point is, I've known him for a very long time. He's helped me out of some tight spots and never asked for anything in return. We're friends even though the bastard will never admit it. And I know he’s not a man who asks favors for himself, much less for others." His eyes are intense as though there's hidden meaning behind his words. "He wouldn't recommend you just because you need a job. He’s the kind that believes everyone should pull themselves by bootstraps and all that junk. Just not a nice man at all."

"Oh," I say because I'm not sure what else to say. I mean, Oliver may not be a nice man, but he's certainly a kind one. Only a kind man would give someone a place to stay rent-free and receive virtually nothing in return.

"Yeah," the man continues. "So, for him to recommend you that highly... he means it. Bastard thinks he’s doing me a favor, not you.”

“Oh,” I say again. I’m not sure how to feel about everything he just said, but his eyes look honest. I decide to take him at his word.

“Besides,” he continues. "I’m not hiring you just because he recommended you.”

“Oh,” I say. “You’re not?”

“No,” he smiles. “I’m hiring you because I like you.” He gets up. “Although there is going to be a one-month trial period to see if you mesh with the rest of the staff well. Paid, of course."

He gestures at me to follow him.

Did I just get hired?

I want to squeal like a little girl but I resist the urge.

“Oh, sure. Of course.” My spirit is still bubbling with elation as I hurry after him.

“The pay is going to be twenty-six an hour," he throws out as he strides down the hallway.

I gasp in shock and nearly stumble.

He mistakes the reason for the sound, as he smiles wryly and says, “I know it's not much but it's what we can do for now."

"Ri-right," I stammer. It's higher than anything else I’ve ever been paid before. That’s double my previous paycheck. I want to pinch myself. Is this really happening? The giddy little girl inside me cries.

In the main restaurant, April and the chef are in the middle of a hissed argument.

Jonah claps his hands together and they immediately glance at him. The chef frowns again but nods at Jonah and walks away.

“What’s going on?” he asks.

“You’ll have to ask him, “ April says with a shrug and almost sends him an accusing look. “Because I have no clue what's up his ass today.”

“Language, April,” he says in the same exasperated tone that he used back in the office. To add to it, he turns to me and rolls his eyes.

April smiles cheekily. “Yeah, but this is how I talk naturally. The faster the new girl gets used to it, the better. And you are hiring her, right?”

“Yeah,” he says. “Although it’s only a trial period for now, I’m fully confident that she will make it.”

“Yeah, me too,” April says. “And you don’t know how happy it makes me that we have another cook here." She emphasizes the word cook pointedly.

“April," Jonah cautions.

“Sorry,” she says with the most unapologetic smile ever. “Let me show you around. Is she starting today?”
