Page 9 of Saved By the Grump

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Rena's eyes widen as if she's been shot. "Did you just call me insane?"

"Yes." I gesture to the clothes littered on the floor. "Doesn't this seem insane to you?"

Apparently not, because when faced with her faults, she does something even crazier. She tosses the rest of the clothes in her hands while screaming like a banshee.

Then she runs back inside and comes back out and throws a piece of paper back at me.

“Consider that your eviction notice,” she says. “Oh, and you’re fired. Don’t you ever come back here!”

“What? You can’t do that!” I’m pretty sure there are eviction laws and things you have to do. I can't just be homeless overnight.

“Yes, I can!” Rena says, smirking evilly. “You’ve only been here two weeks and your name isn’t on anything. Meaning that it's still my house and you have no right to come in. And don’t bother trying because I already changed the lock."

“What?" How the heck did she do this that fast? Does she have some secret handyman skills she never told me about? “Where the heck am I supposed to go?"

“I don’t give a fuck! Maybe you can go back to Theo. I’m sure he’ll be happy to have you." Then she spins around to go back inside.

"I don’t even want Theo!” I scream at her retreating back. “He’s an insufferable psycho just like you!”

In fact, it's almost a testament to how damaged the dating landscape is that these two broke up. They seem perfect for each other.

The balcony door slams to punctuate my words. It doesn't open again.

I try flashing my card on the front door, but true to her word, Rena must have gotten my key card deactivated. Which means that I’m locked out and I can’t even take the rest of my stuff. To add insult to injury, there's a low rumble of thunder and lightning flashes across the sky. It reflects my current state of mind, and suddenly I can't hold back anymore.

I scream for a long drawn-out cry of despair. Then I collapse to my knees. Tears are rolling down my face now and I can’t stop them. I'm tired of being strong, and moving on, and not letting things get to me.

Right now, I just want to cry.

I want to lie on the ground and just sob. I would have done it too. This seems like the perfect time to have a really nice breakdown.

But the rain is coming, I don’t want it to ruin my pictures so I bend down, ignoring the sharp pain in my ankle as I began picking up the pictures, all the while with tears silently rolling down my cheeks and hopelessness tearing apart my chest.

When I pick up the last picture, a shadow falls across my arm. I look up.

The silver fox is standing in front of me, looking down with that same disapproving look in his eyes.

I thought he had left, but of course, that would be too easy for me. Of course, he's here. He’s the perfect witness to my humiliation.

I don’t even say anything. I just sniffle and turn back to grab the picture, then proceed to pick up my clothes. Soon, I notice that he joins me in packing up.

“This your stuff?” he asks.

I nod briefly, glancing up for only a few seconds.

He gestures with his chin to the balcony.

“That your roommate?”

“Yeah.” My voice is shaky from emotion. I don't have enough strength to fight him, and truthfully, I'm wondering why he’s still here. Does he want to rub it in?

“She sounds like a pill," he continues. "Your roommate that is."

That’s an understatement.

"My name is Oliver," he says. "Oliver Carter."

It hardly seems like the time for intros but I manage to choke out, "Delilah Morgan."
