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“There’s plenty more, Selina. Plenty more of me, of us… just for you.”

Our gazes lock in the darkness of my bedroom, the moon slowly escaping the cloud’s cover and casting its pearlescent glow through the tall window. It’s a promise of what’s to come in the many nights ahead, and of what he, Matthew, and Jason may have planned for me. I wish I could just tell him, right now, that I want the three of them to take me, to do whatever they want with me. I’m his. I’m theirs.

“Sweet dreams, Selina,” Sully says, leaning in for another kiss. He leaves one on my breast, too. “Make sure you dream of me tonight.”

“I’ll make sure to touch myself, too.”

Where did that come from? When did I become so brazen? It doesn’t matter. He definitely enjoys it, a devilish grin slitting his face as he straightens his back and pulls the blanket over my naked body. I giggle sheepishly as I watch him leave, the door closing behind him with a subtle click. Exhaustion has finally caught up with me, and I know I have only a minute or two left in me to contemplate tonight’s events.

Sully claimed me. He took me, and I gave myself to him wholly and happily. I love the way he turns me on and then inside out. He fucked the pain away from my heart, and I completely forgot who I am in that hot tub. I need more of him. More of this. More of them. I’d expected Matthew to take things further tonight, but Sully was a wonderful surprise instead.

I want to stay in this moment for as long as I canwas my last thought before drifting off.



Last night was incredible.

We’d hit it off so quickly, so smoothly, and Selina answered the call with every bit of grace and passion she had in her. I knew she was special from the moment we first met her. The stolen glances. The way she’d look at us whenever she thought we weren’t looking. The light in her eyes coming on, bright and golden as soon as we’d walk into the store. I’d been waiting two years for a moment like last night. For a chance to lose myself inside her and feel her lips on mine.

She’s a dormant volcano, bubbling hot on the inside. Soon enough, she will find her uninhibited release. And when that happens, I want to make sure I’m there as well as Matthew and Jason. We’re determined to make her ours. It’s rare to come across a woman like her. It’s even rarer for the three of us to like a woman as much as we like Selina. There is something about her, a shade of sweetness mingled with burning spice that makes the blood run faster through my veins. On one hand, she lacks the experience that her predecessors had when it comes to taking three men at once, but on the other hand, her physical and emotional response to each of us speaks volumes.

“I imagine you slept well,” Matthew chuckles as we settle in the living room with our coffees.

Jason made a fire first thing this morning so we’d be able to enjoy a warm space before we head out to the slopes later. We didn’t imagine there would be such an abundance of snowfall this early in the year, but we’re not ones to complain—it means we get extra time to ski and snowboard our asses off with the extended winter.

“Oh, like a baby,” I reply with a cool grin. “Although I figured you’d be the one to stick around last night. Especially after that little stunt you pulled with her back at the hotel.”

“That wasn’t intentional, if I’m being honest,” Matthew says. Jason smiles as he takes a long sip from his black porcelain mug. “She looked like she needed to unwind, particularly given her recent living conditions. It was literally the least I could do, to, you know, make her feel better.”

“It seemed to make her feel more comfortable with us,” Jason notes. “She’s not the shy type, but she’s not gonna jump in our arms straight away, either.”

“Selina needs time,” I tell them. “Patience, care, kindness.”

“Loyalty,” Matthew sighs. “I could’ve torn Kieran’s head off the other night, just for making her cry. The fact that she had nowhere to go still boggles my mind. And then he had the audacity to come to her workplace? Unbelievable.”

I shake my head slowly. “She’s hyper-independent, man. That comes with some caveats. She has a hard time accepting help from anybody. I’m still surprised she agreed to join us for the winter.”

“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Jason says.

“It’s more than that,” Matthew replies, a smile testing his lips. “She’s into us. Big time. I could tell from how responsive she was at the hotel.”

“I can further confirm that after last night,” I say, stretching my arms out as I sink into the sofa. This is, by far, my favorite spot in the entire cabin. I don’t know where Matthew got the seating from, but it was designed to make a man feel like he’s back in his mother’s womb. Soft yet firm enough to keep you still and comfortable for ages. Warm but not suffocating. Just right. Perfect. “The chemistry is definitely there and so is the willingness. I think we can make it work.”

Outside, the sun is rising, casting a bright glow over the pristine snow. The pine trees look heavy with their white dresses, but the ice flowers in the window corners have begun to melt, courtesy of the cabin’s central heating system and the fireplace. I briefly let my mind wander as I listen to the logs crackling while the orange flames consume them. We needed this break after a long and strenuous year. I needed it the most, truth be told. There’s too much on my plate and very little energy left to deal with it. The holidays always strike hard, right to my core.

I thought Matthew would spend at least one winter with his family. I’d thought the same of Jason—he was always a big fan of the California winters that he grew up with. But no, they’re both here, with me, again. I can’t thank them enough.

“We need her to be the one who comes to us with the request,” Matthew says after a moment’s worth of deep thinking. He is particularly cautious about Selina, and I understand why. I’m tempted to follow suit, but after last night… damn, every fiber in my body is crying out for her. “Selina has to say it.”

“I agree,” Jason says. “We don’t want another Cynthia on our hands.”

As soon as her name rolls off his tongue, the hairs on the back of my neck rise, and both Matthew and I give Jason a heavy, dark glower. “Don’t ever mention her again,” I tell him. “Not in this place. And not with Selina under the roof.”

My reaction is visceral but within reason. They both know why.

“Sorry,” Jason sighs. “I was just trying to… ah, hell, it doesn’t matter. You’re right. I’m sorry.”
