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“What shall we do with the rest of our evening?” Jason asks, his eyes never leaving me.

I’m not sure if he’s asking me or everyone present, but I offer a shrug, just in case. “Whatever you guys want to do, I’m down.” Again, where is this courage coming from? It’s the wine. It must be the wine. Or maybe these three incredible hunks really have awakened the woman that had been dormant within me the whole time. Maybe it’s the real me talking for once.

“Careful what you wish for,” Matthew says.

His deep gray eyes are filled with dark shadows that burn through me as his lips stretch into a lazy smirk—the kind that tells me he’s waiting for the next opportunity to pounce on me. I’m but a doe caught in the headlights, my legs weak and my heart fluttering madly as I begin to understand precisely where tonight will end. I need the courage to say what I want, I need to push through and make my wishes known. Cynthia didn’t have to ask, it seemed, and I admit, I’m a bit jealous of her.

“What’s the worst that could happen?” I laugh, albeit nervously and once again surprised by how easily I’m getting myself wedged right between the lions’ sharp teeth.

Sully exhales sharply as Matthew gives him an amused nod. He gets up and goes upstairs for a minute’s worth, while Matthew and Jason escort me into the living room.

“Let’s get comfortable, for starters,” Jason says.

He and Matthew sit on the couch, while I’m settled into one of the two high-back chairs, closer to the fireplace. I listen to the wood crackling, enjoying the warmth on my face as the fire consumes its way through a fresh pile of logs. I’ll never lose my love for the smell of burning wood in the middle of autumn or winter.

Sully returns with a green silk scarf and a smile on his handsome face. My spine tingles as I recognize the intention, and I damn near lose my breath as I realize what’s about to happen.

“Allow me,” Sully says as he comes over and ties the scarf over my eyes. “It’s not too tight, is it?”

“No,” I whisper, barely able to sit upright at this point.

Knowing they did the same with Cynthia, the mere anticipation of what might happen tonight sends rivers of excitement gushing through my loins. Could this be it? The moment I’ve been waiting and yearning for the most? Or is it just another one of those teasing nights meant to prolong my desire and my torment at the same time?

Suddenly, my sweater feels too thick, my jeans too tight. Hell, even my feet can’t stand the socks anymore. But I manage to keep it together, as I let the darkness envelop me while my ears twitch and my nostrils flare, picking up every sound and scent around me. I catch a whiff of the fireplace mingling with Sully’s strong cologne. I hear one of them getting up from the couch. I hear my own breath falter as Jason’s voice soothes my senses.

“Just relax,” he says. “We’re going to play a game of blindfolded kissing.”

“Oh? What’s that?” I innocently ask. I’m overwhelmed by the moment, by the anticipation of what’s about to happen.

“Each of us will take turns kissing you, and you have to guess which of us it was. If you get it wrong, the same guy will kiss you again until you get it right, then the next fella can have his turn,” he says, amusement chiming in his low, sweet voice.

“Okay,” I mumble. “I think I can handle that.”

I’m not sure I can do it without begging for more, but I guess I’ll just wait and see where this leads. I suppose I already know, but I’m still working up the courage to speak up and make sure I get my triple whammy tonight. I don’t think I can go another evening without indulging in what Cynthia had.

“Are you ready?” Matthew asks. He’s getting closer, his cologne musky and sharp. Dominant with hints of leather, while Sully’s is green and fresh, like a whisper from the wild forest outside.

Jason’s carries hints of honey and lemongrass, like a lazy summer morning. His is the closest and strongest. I think I can tell who’s going to kiss me first.

“I’m ready.”

Silence follows for almost a minute, my lips parting slowly as they wait to be kissed. Finally, someone kisses me. Softly at first, barely testing my barriers before he deepens the kiss, slipping his tongue through. A moan escapes from my throat as I welcome the taste of him with subtle undertones of white wine and raspberries. It’s the summer scent that gives him away.

“Jason,” I declare, my pulse already racing. I don’t need to remove my blindfold to know it was him, to actually see him as he teased me the way he just did. Every fiber in my body seems to recognize them long before my eyes do. “Definitely Jason.”

“Damn, that was good,” he says, but his voice is a smidge lower, broiling with desire.

Silence again. Though that’s the point, I shouldn’t be able to tell where any of them are. As soon as I draw a shaky breath, one of them kisses me. My heart sings, my core catches fire. I’d recognize these lips anywhere—the curious and commanding tongue, the unforgettable taste. Our tongues meet and swirl around playfully, liquid desire pooling between my legs.

“Matthew,” I manage as he pulls away.

They’re not taking turns. Sometimes Matthew kisses me twice, sometimes Sully does. Then Jason. There is no order, only sexy chaos, but I manage to guess right most of the time. When Sully kisses me once more, I hold back a smile and say the wrong name on purpose.


“Wrong,” Jason says.

Sully captures my mouth in a hungry storm, and I open myself up entirely. This has been going on for at least fifteen minutes, and I’m so wet, aching for so much more… I can barely keep myself conscious as Sully possesses every part of me.
