Page 45 of Wrath of a King

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Fire sorcerer.

The guards wouldneverhave let a stranger get this close. Not unless…

The sharp note of fresh blood triggered panic inside my chest. I glanced around frantically for my guard, but they were nowhere to be found.

The telltale sounds of heavy breathing pierced the air.

“Who are you?” I asked, standing my ground.

“Doesn’t matter, Your Highness.” The fire sorcerer’s voice was a deep growl. “And this isn’t personal. You understand.”

I didn’t need to hear more. My powers simmered to life, taking the large Alpha by surprise.

I willed the earth beneath his feet to respond. It obeyed my command, swiftly hardening into solid rock and catching him off guard. In a flash, the ground shifted, launching him into the air like a ragdoll. His surprised shout pierced the valley, a stark contrast to its serene beauty.

I watched, my heart pounding, as he sailed over the side of the cliff, disappearing from view in mere seconds. The echo of his shout resonated in the silence and faded into the distance.

I swiveled around, the earth beneath my feet trembling with the residual current that moved back and forth. I let the energy flow in a loop, lying in wait for other fire sorcerers I could scent in the air.

The pungent aroma of sweat and ash prickled my senses. They were nearby, hidden in the shadows, their presence a silent threat that sent a shiver down my spine.

With heightened awareness, I scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of movement or the tell-tale flicker of fire.

“I know you’re there,” I said aloud. “I do not wish to harm you.”

I thought I heard a scoff through the foliage—a puff of breath that was a dead giveaway. With a swift and determined move, I turned toward the source of the sound, causing the forest floor to tremble beneath me.

I was ready to confront whoever lurked in the shadows, my senses heightened and my resolve unwavering.

A strong voice emerged from the trees.

“We have our orders, Your Highness.”

Orders? What orders?

“I don’t know who you work for, and frankly, I don’t care. You’ve harmed my guard, and that is high treason.”

“They stood between us and you.” The voice was calm. Steady. “You understand.”

Us.More than one assailant lay in the forest.

“No.” The ground rumbled again, bolstered by my anger. “I donotunderstand.”

“Well, that’s too bad.”

The voice was closer now, each word enunciated with worrying preciseness.

The power within me surged, a living force that responded to my will.

Determined, I focused on harnessing every last ounce of elemental energy, ready to wield it in defense or attack.

“Apologies, Your Highness.”

I turned quickly in the direction of the voice, but saw only a quick movement of limbs before a shroud of darkness descended over my head. Panic surged through me as I felt hands grabbing my arms, pulling them behind my back in swift, almost violent, tugs.

A dark sack of some sort restricted my vision, and I could only hear muffled sounds from my surroundings.

I thrashed in darkness and uncertainty, my senses on high alert. Without my sight, it was hard—almost impossible—to inflict any real pain on my abductors.
