Page 11 of Dirty Like Us

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But some things just needed to besaid.

Maggie stared at me and an ugly, loaded, fucking terrible silence landed in the wake of my words. Her lips parted… then she shut her mouth. Her jaw spasmed, her eyelashes trembled, and for a horrible minute I thought she mightcry.

Then she scowled instead and something raw flashed in her eyes, between hurt andrage.

“Yeah?” She whipped the shirt off over her head and flung it across the room. “Well, the shirt’s not the only thing he touched.” She stood there in her tiny, neon-green panties and nothing else, and my jaw wentslack.

I had nowords.

No. Fucking.Words.

I’d never seen so much of Maggie before. Couldn’t believe how much better the flesh was than my imagination, and I’d spent a helluva lot of time imaginingher.

I drank in her petite curves, the soft swell of her breasts, her hard nipples a dark, dusky pink as her chest rose and fell with the force of her unevenbreaths.

Then I swallowed, hard, and ground my teeth. I shoved my hands in the pockets of myjeans.

Had to, or I was gonna grab her, slam her down on the bed and devour every inch of that gorgeous smoothskin.

“Guess I should take this off too.” She plucked at the see-through lace of her panties and my dick achieved a new level of hard, kinda like reinforced steel. Then her finger touched my chin, guiding my eyes up. “Go fuck yourself,Zane.”

“Okay,” I said. “If you’re into that, I can show you a fewthings.”

She made a little choked noise, shaking her head in disbelief. Her eyes never left mine and it was still there, the raw and the rage, her jaw hardening like she was fighting the urge to literally bite my headoff.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” she hissed. “Is that all youeverwant? Seriously. What. The.Fuck.”

Then she launched herself atme.

Maggie was a small woman, but it took me so off-guard, it brought me to my knees as she smashed her mouth to mine. I caught her in my arms, just barely, and her legs went around my hips as she kissed me with a fucking vengeance, all angry lips and teeth, her hands clawing at my neck, her fingernails diggingin.

Holy mother offuck.

Maggie was kissingme.

I gripped her tight and kissed her back like my life, my very next breath, depended on it, my heart slamming a fucking dent in the wall of my chest as my brain completely spunout.

All I could think was, if I fucked her right here on the floor, would she hate me forit?

Because my gut was telling me to put her down… to let her go, to back the fuck off… that this wasn’t right, that Maggie wasn’t gonna be happy about this evenifshe started it… but my dick just wanted to make her scream and figure the rest out later, and my dick was a bull-headedprick.

I caught my teeth on her bottom lip and when she gave up a ragged gasp, my tongue plunged into her like a heat-seeking missile. I tasted her like I’d wanted to do for fucking years, desperate to have her, any way I could get her, angry, clawing at me, I didn’tcare.

Then it hit me, and I almostgagged.

The taste of liquor. Pungent and sour… revolting… and totally fuckingintoxicating.

And I dove right intoit.

I screwed my tongue into her mouth like I was tongue-fucking the neck of a bottle, sucking hard, the bliss of that taste and a brutal crush of memories smashing me in the back of theskull.

Then I caught myself. I almost gagged,again.

I ripped myself away with such force I shoved heroff.

I spit out that bittersweet taste on the carpet and mashed the back of my hand to mymouth.
