Page 28 of Dirty Like Us

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If anyone could pull off a stunt this insane, it wasZane.

The man had zero impulse control. I knew this. So why the hell was Isurprised?

Yes, I told him I’d do this if he pulled it off. I just didn’t think he’d actually do it, to the point that I’d brushed and flossed my teeth, put in earplugs and crawled intobed.

Basically, I figured once the high of acting on his impulse started to fade and I was out of sight, out of mind, his ADHD would kick in and he’d be on to something else… like finding himself anotherorgy.

Apparently, I waswrong.

“Get the fuck moving,” he said, a wicked-crazy gleam in his eyes I didn’t even want to look directly at. What happened when you looked pure evil in the eyeanyway?


“Zane. We are not just going out and… and… gettingmarried,” I sputtered, “you know… without security.” And yes, I was stalling. Desperately. The wheels in my head were turning way too fucking slowly. “I mean… I am not getting trampled in a stampede of drunk chicks on my…Jesus…” I stopped to swallow and work up the will to say it. “On my…fucking wedding night… you know, when they start recognizing you…and…”

I was starting to sweat. My silk pj’s were sticking to my breasts. And leave it to my soon-to-be-husband—holy shit,that sounded weird—to notice it. His gaze raked down over my chest, zeroing in on my nipples, which pricked a little too eagerly at theattention.

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him pointedly. “Security, Zane. You take care of that littledetail?”

“On it.” He thumbed his phone and I tackled him. Because apparently jumping on Zane was now my thing. He didn’t go down this time, though. He just stood there looking surprised and suspiciously turned on as I clung to him like a monkey, the phone I’d just ripped from his hand in mygrasp.

I let go, dropping to my feet and backing away… the phone was already dialing Jude. Oh, no. No, no,no.

I hung up. “You are not callingJude.”

“You just said we need security,” he said casually, studying my nipples through the silk pajama top again. Fuck it, let him look. I didn’t have time to ward off his eyes and the full force of his crazy atonce.

“Yes, and I told you when you ‘proposed’ that you can’t tell anyone, and if you make Jude come with us, everyone in the universe will know by the time the sun comesup.”

“Why’d you say ‘proposed’ like that?” he asked, and if I didn’t know better I could’ve sworn I hurt his feelings. “It was a legit proposal,Maggs.”

“A legit proposal usually climaxes with the presentation of a ring,Zane.”

“Offered you a ring. And you askme—”

“I didn’t askyou.”

“—a legit proposal climaxes with celebrationsex.”

And there itwas.


He shrugged, like it was the world’s most unimportant detail. “I said we didn’t have to have sex. But let’s stay on focus here, Maggie. Dizzy’swaiting.”

Right. Almost forgot about that ass, I was so busy dealing with the one in front ofme.

At least the mention of my dad’s name served to remind me why the hell we were even considering this crazy shit in the firstplace.

“Whatever,” I said, shoving his phone into his washboard abs. “You’re not callingJude.”

“Jude’s discreet, Maggs,” he said. “It’s hisjob.”

Great. We hadn’t even gotten to the ceremony and we were already arguing.Again.

Ceremony… Jesus, that sounded official. Even though it would only be afakeceremony, to screw with my dad… still.Jesus.

“Listen to me carefully,” I said. “You can’t tell Jude. Jude’s best friend in the entire universe is Jesse, and he’s going to tell Jesse, even if we tell him not to. It’s a given. You and me getting married tonight—even just for Dizzy’s sake—is too juicy a tidbit to expect people to keep it to themselves. Do you get that? Jesse will tell Elle, and Elle is too close to Dylan not to tell him. Dylan will tell his best buddy, Ash. Ash is the Pusher’s lead singer. Odds are he tells his buddies, too.” Including Coop. Ugh. “Which means Pepper finds out, and Pepper will tell the whole fucking world.” It was true. The Penny Pushers’ drummer had a big fucking mouth. “Do you see the path ofdestruction?”
