Page 51 of Jaylen

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She could not tell him that there was a funny ache inside the pit of her stomach at the idea of parting ways. The man had wormed his way inside her emotions and lodged there.

“I don’t know," she said instead. “I have work.”

With that, she was gone, leaving him staring after him thoughtfully.

Chapter 10

Letting herself into the too-quiet loft, she went straight to the kitchen where the housekeeper had left a plate inside the warmer. She had considered going over and spending the night at Corey’s, but she had brought home some work to occupy her time.

And she had managed to avoid the rather pesky reporter who had been calling to confirm the name of the group home she had stayed at when she was a child.

She was head of the PR team, but Jaylen’s social secretary. She had shaken her head at the concept. A social secretary for Pete’s sake. The woman was a bulldozer, a plain Jane, but she knew her thing.

“Just shoot what you need left out and I will take care of the rest.”

She was not hungry. Lunch had been sent up to her, some sort of lobster. She no longer ate in the staff’s lounge, not because of the name change, but because the staff were uncomfortable with her there.

Wandering into the pristine kitchen, she selected a bottle of wine and took it with her into the blue sitting room. The place was big and comfortably furnished.

She could not help but glance at her watch. It was after six here which means- She shook her head. “He is probably asleep. It’s after midnight. He is not going to call and it does not matter.” She sipped the wine moodily, the conversation she had with James, resurfacing.

She was not going to get involved. She never had a parent and she was not familiar with the dynamics of family.

It did not matter that the man was ill and wanted to reunite and bond with his son. That was between them. She was just a temporary wife. Only here for a year and then- she shied away from thinking about it.

Curling her feet underneath her, she took another sip, her mind straying to their conversation. Typical man, he had asked what she was wearing. When she had disclosed that she was with his dad, he had insisted she go into a private room and facetime him so he could see her underwear. Perv, she thought whimsically.

The motion of her phone vibrating had her jolting. Ignoring the racing of her heart, she reached over the table and turned it around.

It was him!

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she pressed the green icon. “You are supposed to be asleep.” She was ridiculously happy to hear from him.

“I closed my eyes and I kept seeing you in that black number you were wearing the last time I was there.” His deep voice was making her weak.

“You mean that scrap that is part of the things you ordered?”

“I am switching to video.”

“I am not having phone sex—"Her breath hitched as his image swam into view. He was bare-chested and had angled the device so that she could see most of him. A sheet was draped over his narrow hips and was low enough for her to recognize that he was not wearing anything beneath the silk sheet.

Her mouth went dry and her nipples turned to stone. “Were you with someone?” she demanded.

“No. Why?”

“You are naked.”

“I always sleep in my bare skin.”

“It’s-you should put something on.”

“Am I making you hot darling?” he asked her huskily.

“No," she lied.

“Really? How about now?” He angled the device so that she could see what he was doing. “I am hard for you.”

“This is ridiculous and I am not doing it.” Her breath was coming in short pants. The man was positively lethal, she thought dazedly.
