Page 86 of Jaylen

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She wanted to cry.

"You are going to ruin my makeup." She sniffed. "And that peacock warned me not to destroy his perfect work." Easing back, she looked at him, placing a hand on his cheek.

"Let's go get me hitched again, shall we?"


He saw her walking toward him and felt a lump the size of a golf ball in his throat. He was committing himself to her, binding them together with cords that would never be broken. The atmosphere was hushed, the setting one of ethereal beauty. The gardens were spectacular with flowers blooming everywhere.

A red carpet had been placed in the center of the thick, lush grass leading to the gazebo. A live band was already playing and the few guests that had been invited were seated with plates of canapes, cheeses, and fruits. It was an informal setting and they had both insisted on that.

Corey handed her over and Jaylen took her hand in his, gripping her fingers, his expression intense with love. "You are exquisite," he whispered.

"I am pregnant and will probably interrupt the ceremony several times to go and pee."

"Always the romantic." He grinned as he turned her to face the minister.

The ceremony was over in minutes and they had exchanged their vows as well as rings. The documents had been signed and the formality finished with. They had wanted a ten a.m. wedding because he had plans for them. They would be going back to where it all started.

The pink champagne cake was cut and they had their first dance as a couple.

"I feel married," she murmured as they circled the makeshift dance floor.

"That's because you are." He lifted his left hand to look at his ring. "It feels wonderful."

"I want to make certain that everyone knows you are taken."

"Branding me, are you?" He bent a tender smile to her.

"Absolutely. No question about it." She brushed at his shoulder, admiring the excellent cut of his gray jacket. He looked wonderful with the rose-pink shirt opened at the throat and his blonde hair shining from the light of the sun. He was breathtaking and was all here. She knew that without a doubt.

"I love you. All the things we said, and the vows we repeated were not just a formality. I meant every word. I will love you until I draw my last breath. I will always honor you and always be your biggest fan. We are a team and the bond between us will never be broken."

His eyes darkened, his grip around her waist tightening. "And I adore you. The words were inadequate. They did not fully describe how much I feel about you. The emotions that well up inside me when I even think about you. You are my life and my heart and that will never change." He drew her in for a kiss and the passion escalated.

"Break it up, you two. Stop hogging the bride and put a lid on until the honeymoon." Corey tapped on his shoulder to get his attention. "Other people would love a chance to take the bride for a whirl."

He let her go reluctantly and handed her over. "We leave shortly," he warned.

"He has it bad," Corey murmured as he guided her around the dance floor. "And apparently, so do you."

"And I make no apologies for it." Her eyes followed him as he made his way to the group of men gathered around the fountain. "I love him."

"And I am happy for you." He touched her cheek gently. "You deserve this kind of happiness, and I am glad you did not settle for that idiot. He has been in touch?"

She nodded with a smile. Was it just months ago she was wondering about that relationship? And here she was, married to a man she was head over heels in love with.

"To congratulate me. I told him thanks for breaking up with me."

"I bet that did not go down well."

"It didn't." She breathed in the clean air. "Jaylen and I are contemplating moving here. James suggested it and even offered to move out."

Corey's eyebrows lifted. "He did? That's pretty generous of him."

"We can live with him. The place is big, and there is more than enough space for a growing child. I see a treehouse in the future and a swing, maybe a park."

"It's a big ass place."
