Page 125 of King of Country

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“I like her.”

“Yeah…I do too.”

“But you let her leave?”

I exhale. I should have said nothing. “I did notlether do anything. She’s an adult who can make her own decisions. And shedecidedto leave because she has a whole life back in New York. Why would she have stayed?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Miles Spencer. I saw the way you looked at that girl once you stopped scowling. What difference does New York make? You kids have all your fancy devices these days to keep in touch.”

“I didn’t sign a new contract. She lost a big promotion because of me. And I…” I sigh. “Technically, I’m unemployed. As soon as I announce my retirement from music, I’ll lose a lot of fans. It feels like I’m seventeen again and I have nothing figured out. Not exactly a great time to start a relationship. I don’t even know if she…I don’t know.”

“The strawberries that ripened while we were gone got harvested before they went bad.”

My brow wrinkles. Even by Mabel’s standards of sudden subject changes, this one is extremely random. “Um, okay?”

“Figured that wasn’t you.” She pauses for effect. “Does that sound like someone who only came here for a promotion?”

I keep staring ahead, seeing nothing.

Mabel sighs at my silence. “When we were up in California, John and I got to talking. Cecilia’s husband is headed to Germany for a year, and they’re looking for someone to keep an eye on their place. They asked us if we were interested, and we decided we are. Next month, we’ll head back up there, this time for a while.”

I look over at her, shocked.

Mabel grew up on this ranch. Moved back when her brother’s health started to fail and basically inherited me with the property when he died and my mom turned back to alcohol to drown her sorrows.

She and John have lived here ever since, managing things themselves and then overseeing things once I was making enough to hire help.

Them leaving Oak Grove never occurred to me.

She smiles at what I’m sure is a stunned expression. “This property is yours, Miles. You should do whatever you want with it without a couple of old quacks hanging around.”

“You’re not old.”

She pats my cheek. “Bless you for lying to me.”

“But I came back to…”

“I know why you came back. But John and I aren’t Ada. There’s a difference between caring about someone and caring for them. I know your mother had her demons, and I’m not discounting them. Addiction is an ugly disease. But it’s not your burden to bear. Any of it. Whatever decisions you make, don’t let them be about your mother. Or me and John. Or your music. Or that sweet little girl who visited today. Make your life into what you want, and the right pieces will fit.” She pauses. “Unless a smart New York man snatches it up first because he realizes it’s a special one before you do.”

I scoff. “Subtle.”

“We could all use a knock on the head sometimes.” She yawns, then stands. “I’m going to hit the hay. Long day.”

“Okay. Good night.”

“Good night.”

The door slams, and then I’m alone again.

I’m about to head inside to avoid the mosquitoes starting to swarm me when my phone buzzes. I pull it out quickly, then deflate when I see the name. I was hoping it might be Piper, elaborating on theLandedtext she sent hours ago.

I simply liked it because I wasn’t sure what else to do and Bailey was still here at the time. It wasn’t exactly an invitation for a longer conversation, and I never came up with anything else to say.

“Hey, Brayden,” I answer.

“Hi, Kyle. Sorry to call so late.”
